Allow ticket marketplace resale in multi-currency setup
Previously, the resale platform allows to resale tickets on two different modes : Ticket marketplace and Seat Release (described in the page Allow tariff selection on the resale platform). Ticket Marketplace mode is now available for institutions having the multi-currency feature active, allowing customer to set a resale price within a pre-defined range and make it purchasable across all the resale point of sales, no matter the currency.
Set-up the ticket markeplace
The Ticket Marketplace mode previously disabled, is now enabled and available for selection in the menu Organisation context > Organisation characteristic > Parameters.
As of today, you can define the range of the price of the resold ticket as a min and max percentage of the initial price of the ticket.
Putting tickets on resale
The ticket/seat selection is the same as of now for marketplace resale.
On the resell tickets summary page, the tickets are grouped by "Seat category-Tariff-Original price" as a line for each match, and the reseller can define the resale price within the pre-defined range.
Buying tickets on the resale platform
Buying journey remains the same. The original currency is transparent for the 2nd hand buyer, ie, the ticket price will be displayed in the allowed currency of the resale platform, after conversion according to the defined Exchange rate.
Exchange Rates & Prices Conversion
- If there are multiple active resale platforms with different currencies, the different currencies won’t affect the availability of the tickets on these resale platforms.
- Resale price will be converted to the corresponding currency of the resale platform based on the configured Exchange rate.
- It will be impossible to post tickets with different currencies in the same tr
Getting started
This feature is directly available for institutions having the multi-currency feature active.
Please note that the change of the resale type (from Marketplace to Seat release, or the other way around) is only possible if there are no tickets available on the resale platform at that time, ie, the resale of the tickets must be cancelled prior to the configuration change.
- Different price range by Point Of Sales is not supported. The same price range will be applicable to all point of sales available for this organization.
- Mixed mode (both Marketplace and Seat release activated at the same time) is not supported.
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