A new set of Gravity widgets
Gravity widgets are now a reality. In Whymper V1, we are pleased to release a set of widgets that create a landing page in the current online sales of SecuTix. This new set of tools will allow you to build a fully customised landing page directly in your institutional website. The integration will not require any further configuration in SecuTix, as it is based on the same section and cluster configurations that already exist in the system.
Widgets can be integrated in any website by adding a few lines of JavaScript code. Their display is adapted to the Equilibrium theme, which can be configured in the SecuTix point of sale screens and ensures smooth, integrated design via à vis online sales. Standard CSS techniques allow you to overwrite styles where required.
For full Gravity documentation, please visit the following URL: Gravity documentation
New Product Widget
A new version of the Product Wiget is released with Whymper V1. The architecture has been fully reviewed and better integrated with the Gravity framework. It is now possible to display single product occurrences (performances/matches/timeslots). Support for products from multiple sales channels has been improved and is
For a detailed description of the Widget, configuration parameters and examples, please refer to the following URL: Gravity documentation
A product widget displaying a description
Section Widget
Sections configured in the online shop landing page are now becoming standalone and can be integrated in any web site as Widgets. In this specific case, full support is provided for sections from different points of sale, allowing easy construction of a customised landing page.
For more information on how to configure landing page sections, please refer to these links: A dynamic shop window, Further customisation for the online sales landing page.
For a detailed description of the Widget, configuration parameters and examples, please refer to the following URL: Gravity documentation
A section Widget integrated in a static web page
Catalog Widget
To facilitate the integration of the landing page content in an external web site, a Catalog Widget is also made available. This Widget presents all the sections that are configured for the landing page of a specific point of sales. The Catalog Widget allows to completely substitute the current online shop landing page and enables a complete customization of its look. Automated links will redirect the user to the online sales, allowing them to start their purchase process.
For a detailed descriptioGravity documentation
Restriction by domain
A new feature is available in the SecuTix point of sale configuration screens, allowing you to restrict the use of Gravity Widgets to explicitly set domains. You can configure the approved domains in Point of sale > Gravity, by adding one domain per line to the list. When the list is empty, any domain can access the Widget features.
Please note that this security mechanism does not prevent Widgets from being added to unauthorised third party websites, but blocks any communication via Ajax calls to the underlying REST API. Public data will still be accessible when executing explicit calls to the REST API.
Domain restriction configuration, accessible via Point of sale > Gravity screen
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