Published — v. 2
Enhanced reporting

Enhanced reporting

New area: Management of gift vouchers

This new area provides a wealth of information on the sale and use of gift vouchers. You will find a detailed view of the information about each voucher sold and an aggregate view (for instance, the total amount of gift vouchers sold but not yet used). You have a wide range of filters covering, among others, the date of purchase of the voucher, its period of validity and its possible use of date. This new area also allows you to distinguish between expired vouchers and vouchers still valid.

We offer as standard the following new variants:

  • List of vouchers
  • Purchase summary of vouchers
  • Summary of the use of vouchers

These new reports replace the following report:

  • Use of vouchers

Extension of existing area: Product revenue

The "Product

You can now:

  • Easily distinguish nominative sales from anonymous sales.
  • Show the amount of commissions associated with certain products. These amounts are only displayed if a commission agreement was in force at the time of sale.
  • Complete the revenue information for a composite product with information on the content of composite products. For example, if you are looking for the income of the "Discovery" subscription for September, you can also see how many seats were sold in September through this subscription.
  • Obtain further information on fixed-price subscriptions. For example, you can see that you sold 50 "5-seat" subscriptions, or 250 seats in total, of which 170 were already selected by buyers and 80 have still not been chosen.
  • View information specific to products sold in the shop. This information relates to the shop product itself (collection, family, topic, etc.) and the financial data relating to this product (e.g. the margin achieved).

The following standard variant has been added:

  • Shop product revenue

These extensions replace the following former reports:

  • Summary of anonymous sales
  • Revenue of fixed-price subscriptions
  • Sales report of shop products
  • Shop products bestsellers

Customised reports 

In exceptional cases, a need may not be met by the domains provided, such as when the need simultaneously involves several business fields. SecuTix may develop specific reports on demand. These ad-hoc reports are easily integrated into the new tool without having to wait for the next version of SecuTix 360º. This service is subject to billing.

Export reports to Excel

You can further analyse your data by exporting your report to an Excel table. The exported data are presented in an easily workable format.

Co-existence with existing reporting tools

The new reporting tool is based on SSRS. It is intended to eventually replace the former operations reports based on the Crystal Reports tool, EQB reports and the BI. The list of reports now contains a link to documentation that enables you to more easily find an variant in the new tool. The addition of this documentation facilitates the migration to the new reporting tool and the identification of any missing information.

Similarly, the former Crystal Report reports covered by the new reporting tool are better highlighted.


Selecting reports that interest you

We have chosen to provide all the new reports by default. It is however possible that some of them may not be useful to you. In order to avoid unnecessarily enlarging your library of reports, you can easily delete those you do not want to use. To do this, simply select the report you want to remove from the library of reports and click Delete.

How to


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