Gabelhorn V1.17
Bug fixes
[STX-90944] The filters in the "Send copy PDF invoices" screen should filter by generation date and not by by printing date
[STX-90783] In some cases, available seats for a performance are available for sales but it is not possible to add them in the cart
[STX-90814] A technical error occurs with paying with a voucher
[STX-90631] It is not possible to update the state to running for two visit pass at the same time
[STX-88535] A technical error occurs when trying to see the purchase history of a structure containing more than 1000 relays
[STX-90368] Missing German translation in the execution logs of an external interface
[STX-88434] The main currency of the organization should be first in the cash counting screen
[STX-90775] A technical error is raised when trying to print some specific invoices
[STX-90854] It is not possible to update VAT code at billing step on agent portal
[STX-90823] Advantage shows price without default charge in the ticket shop
[STX-90825] Phone/mobile phone numbers should be configurable fields on purchase form
[STX-90774] Filters on waiting list screens are not displayed properly
[STX-90755] Some widgets are not supported, but appear in the list
[STX-90673] Balancing an order that contains a deposit payment raises an error
[STX-90672] Updating name in Gigya does update the name in lottery and should not
[STX-90614] SAP inteface is not working on complimentary hospitalities due to complementary prices
[STX-90549] In the seat map, the keyboard arrow keys have effect on multiple items of the screen
[STX-90572] It is not possible in some cases to open a seat map in the seat map editor
[STX-90497] In visits planning calendar screen, the payment buttons at the bottom overlap in some specific configurations
[STX-90453] The batch that computes ROI fails in some cases
[STX-90402] In the ticket shop, the picture of the contact is deleted after saving changes
[STX-88039] Impossible to display the detail of a season ticket option on the ticket shop
[STX-89526] SAP interface: retrieve payments function does not work properly when handling
[STX-88668] Conditional cross-selling products should be available for purchase even if the product is not on sales
[STX-89374] A qualified guide cannot be assigned to a visit group
[STX-88821] In reports, "age group" labels are not adapted to the real values, but always use default text
[STX-87850] Technical error when opening waiting account history for big resellers
[STX-90754] Daily schedule widget is not working correctly
[STX-88245] The reminder batch for option and reservations should display the file number
[STX-87488] The rank in tariffs is not taken into account correctly in the ticket shop
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