Sales Channels are created at the Institution level.
In this screen, you can activate/suspend a sales channel with immediate effect. The main purpose of this screen is to access the Point of Sale configuration which can be reached by selecting the sales channel and clicking on "Points of Sale".
Characteristics => displayed for information. Configuration done at the Institution level
Points of sale => Sales channels can have multiple points of sale. This is obvious for box office sales channels where a multiplicity of workstations can be part of the same sales channel, but this is also possible for Internet sales channel because each point of sale is associated to a URL. Creating a point of sale is a mandatory setup to allow sales.
Overheads grids => displayed for information. Configuration done at the Institution level
Storefront => screen to configure quick access to the more used goods in the store
From the sales channel => Files in SecuTix are created from a sales channel. The default behavior is that any customer logged in on the ticketshop sees the history of all files booked under his name. In this screen, you can restrict files displayed on ticketshop to only files created on a given sales channel. To do this, you need to add the sales channel in the right column as below (in this example, the customer logged in this point of sale will only see files that were created in the Box Office sales channel)
Linked Sales Entity => One Sales Channel can only be linked with one Sales Entity; but one Sales Entity can be linked with one or several Sales Channels. More information here
Charges tables => charges tables associated to the sales channel: displayed for information
Sales calendars => displayed for information. Configuration done in the product (Catalog - Competition - open the product and click on Calendar allocation in the left menu)
Activity profiles => displayed for information. Configuration done in Catalog - Activity Profile
Product Profile => displayed for information. Configuration done in Catalog - Product Profile
Clusters => for the landing page customisation (URL/content), you need to create clusters. A cluster is an aggregation of products/performance displayed in the same Section with the purpose to be displayed together online to present products. The standard practice is to create clusters that strictly corresponds to Sections. Once created, you need to RUN the cluster to be able to find it the Sections. More information here.
Tours => Specific to the display of tours. More information here.
Sections => The section is a part of the landing page. Once created and saved, the section will be visible on the point of sale landing page (URL/content).
Organisation | Initialisation | Sales Channels | Point of Sale | Characteristics
Tab General
Handle structure relays => if checked, relays will be able to login if the structure they belong to is part of an authorised community type
Community Type => Structures are flagged as being "communities" or not. This flag was mainly design for operations in France, a country in which it was necessary to segregate the structure classification between public and non-public entities.
Internet target type => you can allow all contacts to have access (the right to successfully login) to the sales channel or you can restrict access to Set of Contacts (you need to save, then you will see appearing a new menu on the left "Authorised Contacts")
Authorised country of residence => access can be granted only for contacts with the main address in the authorised countries
External languages => languages authorised in the ticketshop. If English is associated, then English will be a language of the ticketshop (content in English) and the customers will have the possibility to select English as a their preferred language for communication.
Tab Internet Parameters
Connection type
Before checkout: the customer's identification is done at the time of the checkout
Before catalog: customers need to login in order to see products on sale
Guest login available:If checked, the customer will be able to buy without creating an account (only by providing their email address)
Require confirmation email:If checked, a customer using a guest login (if it is activated) will need to provide two times his email address (to avoid errors in typing).
Maximum Payment: leave empty if you don't want to set a maximum amount of online purchase. If you set a cap, the customer will not be able to buy online beyond that limit. On the other hand, his order will be kept as a reservation for which you can take payment at the counter (for example) with another payment method.
Mode of use :
Standard:normal operation
Flash:for flash sales (use exceptionally). This special mode allows to deal with very large sales volumes by delaying all treatments that are not strictly essential at the time of the conclusion of the sale. Before starting sales involving very large volumes, please contact SecuTix to determine if it is necessary to activate a sales line in flash mode.
Epc Shop ID: This is the SecuTix module ID to link to your PSP for online sale. This identifier is provided by SecuTix.
Merchant ID: related to split sales with Ingenico. More information here.
SHA Key: related to split sales with Ingenico. More information here.
Institution website: URL that will be the link to the logo on the top left of your ticketshop (for non-customised head
Security commitment: URL link visible on the payment page only (right) that details guarantees for securing online payments
Client account urlDirect URL to your customers' personal spaces. This address must be URL/xxx (example:
Individual client account Url:no impact on ticketshop, usable for external modules
Cancellation insuranceIf you offer cancellation insurance to your customers, this URL will describe the benefits and terms and conditions of this insurance