Pre-requisite: create Activities, Teams, Competition types, Logical Configuration, Rates Table, Sales Calendar
Aim: create the matches you will sell
The following buttons perform actions at Competition level, i.e. for all the matches included.
New | Delete | Validate | Run | Suspend | Cancel | Close | Duplicate | Copy from season or activity | Performances | Print test ticket | Export to Excel |
Create a new competition | Delete an existing competition (only possible | Validate a competition (create the matches. only for status Preparing) | Activate the competition so it can follow rules set in Sales Calendar and Activity Profile | Stop (temporarily) the following of the rules of Sales Calendar and Activity profile for the competition. Used to perform a few changes while on sale | Cancel the competition (this does not perform any refund). | Close the competition. (figures are locked, and it is no longer possible to perform actions like sales or exchange/cancellation) | Duplicate (=copy/paste) the season. Particularly useful to create the parking competition from the main league competition. This does not set the link to the master competition. | Enable the creation of a competion by copying it from another season or another activity. Useful when needing to create similar competitions from season to season | Direct access to the match menu for the selected competition | Process the printing of a test ticket based on the ticket template setup for the selected competition | Export the table with all the competition to an excel file |
Next Step: setup the other competitions and/or the related Season Tickets