Standard reports can be customized in order to better suit your needs in terms of reporting. You can simply change their names if you find it more ap
Detailed guide
- On the screen of reports of the module "Sale management" of the context "Organization" select a report and click on the button "Modify".
- In the report
- The filter's visibility: the check box located beside the filter's name enables to determine if the filter should be visible or not during report generation. This especially enables to simplify the work of operators who generate reports by displaying only the filters they need to modify for the generation.
- The default value: the default value is used during report geeneration, if the filter is hidden. This value can be modified during eneration, if the filter is visible. (See the point a. above)
- Choose the desired level of sharing:
- All organizations: the reports added will be visible from all your institution's organizations.
- Current organization: the reports added will be visible only from the current organization.
- Not sharing: added reports will only be visible for the current operator.
[optional] Verify your modifications by clicking on the "Preview" button.
4. Save your modifications by clicking on the "Save" button or on the "Save as..." button, also to modify its name.