Your customers are extensively using B2B portals, then they will be delighted by this new features allowing them to distribute all tickets at once regardless the tariff.
Your B2B customers are purchasing several variety products that can go from events to visit passes or services that they share with contacts within the company thanks the distribution feature available in the B2B portals. Once the new distribution feature is active they will increase their efficency while doing the same tasks in less time.
GDPR and public contact distribution
In the co
- When the user enters a valid email address (aaa.bbb.@xxx.yyy) in the search field, the system will provide as a result corresponding members and public contacts.
- When the user enters a firstname, lastname or an incomplete email address, the system will only provide the corresponding members if there is any.
Please note also that when you are distributing tickets to a public the system will not add him as a member of your structure.
The visit passes product family is currently does not support the B2B distribution.