Bug fixes
[STX-114633] Ticket printing with Epson is failing if more than one ticket is added to the basket
[STX-114700] In some cases, rates are not displayed correctly in the ticket shop
[STX-114801] RFID ticket printing with Stimare printer is not working as expected
[STX-114852] Freezing reason is lost after saving propagation changes
[STX-114854] Arabic language does not display correctly in the ticket shop landing page
[STX-113910] A wrong translation for some error messages is shown in SecuTix
[STX-112659] Split payment transaction correctly works with Ingenico, but the file gets discarded in SecuTix
[STX-113828] Seats are renumbered incorrectly
[STX-113859] The civilities/titles do not translate in the ticket shop landing page
[STX-113905] Unsuitable Ticketnet interface catalog export warning message
[STX-114101] Child tariff are not selected automatically on packages