Introducing new API for Event Archiving and Deletion
To offer you more control and efficiency in managing your events, we are in the process of developing new API functionalities that will enable you to archive and delete past events and their associated content.
These new features are designed to streamline your workflow and help maintain the relevancy of your data, by removing past events and tickets data.
Roll-out phases
Phase | Timeline | Description |
#1 Technical foundations & Proactive cleaning | End of ZV1 End of ZV2 Sprint 1 | New APIs for event archiving & deletion TIXNGO team will delete on your behalf events data older than 01.01.2023 |
#2 Organizer driven deletion | Upcoming releases | Allow ADMIN to archive & delete Events (and their tickets) directly from back-office by clicking a button in the Events list. |
Key changes coming your way
- Release of the API-Driven deletion mechanism at the end of ZUMV1 release
- Starting from mid-March 2024 and extending until mid-April 2024, spring cleaning of past event. We will proactively delete very old events that were created before January 1, 2023, across all customer accounts.
Why are you doing this?
We rethink our approach based on some of your legitimate concerns and feedbacks, keeping in mind the importance of a performant system for your operations.
When will this happen ?
We are planning to complete this before the Freeze in April.
A detailed planning is currently drafted and Profesionnal Services and GEOs teams will reach out to you to settle the details.
Why now ?
As we plan on deleting millions on tickets, we prefer to anticipate this change before the platform freeze in April and improve our performances before your critical s
How do I keep a trace of my data ?
Organizers will have 3 months to download an anonymized (GDPR requirement!) set of data for statistics purpose if they request it.
Can I delete more recent events?
Yes, with the API we are building, we can delete any event.
Please note that until the feature is integrated in the back-office, the deletion will have to be done with API call.
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