Versions Compared


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This page aims to provide more context and information to the existing document classes (66 as for end of October 2023). A few of them (in red) are still under reviewmight be related to specif integrations/clients or not used anymore.
Standard codes are the recurrent ones as found in CUBE/MOSA or other most used institution templates. Some may not be present.

Document ClassStandard Code
Info and purposeSet/sent from / when
Italian (to be) - REMOVE
Accompanying letterLettreGeneric email for backofficeSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
Email di accompagnamento
Account creation emailNouvCptePreprod only (before GDPR) - Email sent when a new account is created in backofficenot to be used in production (pw is visible!)
x Preprod - Conferma creazione account - pre GDPR
Advantage notification emailAdvantEmail sent to notify a contact-type advantage is activeSent from Org>Contact>Advantage targeting
Agevolazioni - Email di notifica vantaggio-contattoLista d'attesa - Email notifica disponibilità tour/artista
Artist waiting listArtWtLstWaiting list related - Alert email informing about artists' tours
**under review

(implemented for German client/Myticket)
users must be registered through a widget implemented on external website (not on TS)
email are sent manually from Org>Contact > Waiting list
Authorization confirmationAuthConfDouble opt in verification email (also waiting list related)

Set on TS > POS > Internet paramenter >
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Lista d'attesa - Email conferma autorizzazione (doppia verifica)
B2B account creation confirmationActCpte Email confirming of refusing B2B account creation

Set on TS > POS > Internet paramenter >

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B2B - Email conferma/rifiuto creazione account x UK/Francia - Riepilogo credito/bonifico bancario

Bank transfer order recapVirCmde
mainly related to France/UK **under reviewx UK/Francia - Riepilogo debito/prelievo bancario
Limited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming a refund will be processed with a bank transfer
  1. Order refund with banktransfer
  2. Generate a file to to be sent to the bank (agreement type = transfer, meaning → refund )
    Image Added
    → Click on Generate File
  3. Doc is sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Bank withdrawal order recapPrélCmde
mainly related to France/UK **under review
Likely not used anymore | Limited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming an order (direct debit) will be paid via bank account
  1. Order refund with banktransfer
  2. Generate a file to to be sent to the bank (agreement type = order,
    meaning → direct debit)
    Image Added
    → Click on Generate File
  3. Sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Basic emailRESTEM1not used / SAM related docnot to be used
x SAM - Email base
Cancellation confirmation emailCanConfEmail sent by front-office for all cancellations (sales, reservations, options)Sent by ticketshops
Ticketshop - Email conferma cancellazione pren./opz.
Code list within emailCodeEmail with a list of single usage codes sent to structure relaysSent from Sales > Generate and distribute codes
Agevolazioni - Email con lista codici monouso
Confirmation emailReqConfOption related - Email confirming or refusing the requestAutomatically sent according to option management
Opzioni - Email di conferma/rifiuto richiesta
Confirmation product waiting listCfmPrdWtWaiting list related - Email confirming subscription to alert emails for given productWhen users subscribe to the waiting list online
Lista d'attesa - Email iscrizione notifica per prodotto
Confirmation waiting listCfmWtLstWaiting list related - Email confirming subscription to alert emails for given event/artistWhen users subscribe to the waiting list online
Lista d'attesa - Email iscrizione notifica per evento/artistaDocumento per contatto
Contact document[NONE]
**under reviewx UK/Francia - Riepilogo bonifico rimborso nota di credito 
likely not used anymore
Credit note bank transfer recapVirAv
mainly related to France/UK **under reviewx UK/Francia - Riepilogo debito/prelievo per nota di credito
limited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming the credit note has been refunded with bank transfer
  1. Generate a file to to be sent to the bank: agreement type = Account
    Image Added
    → Generate File
  2. Doc is sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Credit note bank withdrawal recapPrélAv
mainly related to France/UK **under reviewRiepilogo nota di credito
limited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming a direct debit form bank transfer is performed to put money on credit note
  1. Generate a file to to be sent to the bank: agreement type = Account
    Image Added
    → Generate File
  2. Doc is sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Credit note receiptJusAvoir
Credit note summaryunclear

Manually triggered from Sales > Credit balance
Image Added

E-commerce emailRESTEM3not used / SAM related doc not to be used
x SAM - Template Newsletter E-commerce
Exchange ticketsResaleOKEmail sent to seller, when ticket is sold on resale platform

Expired soon optionsAlExpOpOptions related - Email reminder about options' deadlines

Triggered by Org > Follow up options/reservation screen
Image Modified

Opzioni - Email notifica scadenza

File pro forma[NONE]
Similar to an invoice(no standard model)
File pro forma
File recapRecapDosGeneric summary of file contents, generated (& possibly sent) for any orderSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
Riepilogo File
Follow shipmentFolwShipRelated to old integration with DHL - Email with shipment tracking codelikely no longer working
Email tracciamento /conferma spedizione
Goods voucherCmdBoutMerchandising related - Summary including orders by goods/suppliersGenerated from Org>Goods>Purchase orders

Merchandising - Riepilogo ordine fornitori

Instalment payment failure emailPFInstEmail sent to notify payment failure in multiple installments by Credit Card
x Non-Cert - Email notifica errore pagamento rateale
Sent according to installments management
Instalment payment success emailPSInstEmail sent to notify payment success in multiple installments by Credit Card
x Non-Cert - Email conferma pagamento rateale
Sent according to installments management
Instalment reminder emailRemInstEmail sent to remind installments
x Non-Cert - Email sollecito pagamento rateale
Sent according to installments management
Marketing SMS[NONE]Related to SAM SMS campaigns sent via Orange operator/wiki/spaces/IDOCFR/pages/42216143
x Francia - Marketing SMS
Newsletter emailRESTEM2Repository document generated after SAM email campaign
Not to be used / Triggerd by email SAM campaignsx SAM - Template Newsletter 
Sent according to option management
Option order confirmationConfOpOption related - Email overview about the request (refused or accepted)
Automatically sent
Sent according to option management
Opzioni - Email esito richiesta di opzione
Option request ack/acknowledgmentAccRecOpOption related - Email confirming the request has been submitted
Automatically sent
Sent according to option management
Opzioni - Email conferma ricezione richiesta
Option request cancellation ack/acknowledgmentSupprOpOption related - Email confirming the cancellation of the request
Automatically sent
Sent according to option management
Opzioni - Email conferma annullo della richiesta di opzione
Option request modification ack/acknowledgmentModifOpOption related - Email confirming the modification of the request has been submitted
Automatically sent
Sent according to option management
Opzioni - Email conferma modifica della richiesta di opzione
Options/bookings reminderOptRemOption related - Email alert regarding deadlines of the reservation (coming from a request)
Automatically sent
Sent according to option management
Opzioni - Email reminder scadenza opzioni
Option setting and refusal recapRecapOpOption related - Summary and details about seats reserved
Automatically sent
Sent according to option management
Opzioni - Riepilogo esito e dettagli opzione prenotata
Order  ack/acknowledgmentAccRécEmail sent acknowledging an order is still in progress / to be paid
**under reviewPagamenti da validare - Conferma ricezione ordine
, and confirmation will be sent laterSent by ticketshops when PSP takes a long time to confirm the payment
(also sent by back office when using MOTO payment)
Order ack/acknowlAcRecCfEmail sent by the ticketshop in case of reservation of free products only, plus other information related to shipment mode.When users reserve free products online
Ticketshop - Email conferma prenotazione gratuita
Order confirmationConfCmdEmail automatically sent after a sale with digital ticketsSent by ticketshops in case of sale
or sent
Sent by box/back office
when digitial shipment is selectedTicketshop - Email conferma ordine di acquisto
with electronic shipment in case of sale (not for reservation, not for other shipment modes, and this document cannot be removed).
Order invoiceFactCmde

Invoice, generated (& possibly sent) at sale tim

Can be used as "courtesy paper" invoice for countries needing electronic invoices

Set Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
x Fattura cortesia - Ordine di acquisto

Order recap (static state)


Order summary not used by default, but HAS TO BE PRESENT for orders to be createdSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
Riepilogo Ordine


Order summary in TXT format to print summary on EPSON printersSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
Order refusalRefusCmdEmail sent by the ticketshop in case or order refused due to payment problem
Ticketshop - Email ordine rifiutato

Related to CH/SBB only
x Svizzera - Riepilogo partner

Password changeChangMdP
Preprod only (before GDPR) - Email sent when changing the user pw from backofficenot to be used in production (pw is visible!)
x Preprod - Cambio password - pre GDPR
Pending account invoiceFactAtt
Invoice regarding pending account status
x Fattura cortesia - Sospeso di cassa

Pending account invoice (final state)[NONE]
Invoice regarding pending account final status
x Fattura cortesia - Sospeso di cassa (stato finale)

Pre-request reminderReqRem
Option related - Email reminder about pre-requestSent according to option management
Opzioni - Email reminder pre-richiesta
Product waiting listPrdWtLst
Email sent to notify new availaility for given productUsers must have sbscribed for waiting list
Lista d'attesa - Email notifica disponibilità prodotto
Refund paymentRfPayAckEmail sent to confirm refund on credit card or credit note accountMainly Triggered by MOTO
/TPE refund – **under review
Rimborso auto. - Email conferma rimborso carta/nota
also, tickets bought on TS and refunded from box office (to be added in Document to send);
also, mass refund after event cancellation (batch)
Refund payment notification emailRfdNotifRelated to mass refund - Email sent to confirm the refund is in progressAutomatic email notification of refund payments
Rimborso auto. - Email notifica presa in carico
Registered mail[NONE]
mainly related to UK/France **under reviewx UK/Francia - Email registrata
unclear/not used
Request contact connection consentCtcCnsnt F&F related - Email sent to children contacts to confirm the connectionRequest explicit consent to use the Friends & Family feature
F&F - Email richiesta consenso connessione
Request summaryReqSum File recap related to options
Opzioni - Riepilogo file
Sent according to option management
Reseivations reminder[NONE] Email reminder about reservations' deadlines

Triggered by Org > Follow up options/reservation screen
Image Modified

Email promemoria scadenza prenotazioni (follow up)
Reset operator passwordResOPass

 unclear status ** -

Jira Legacy
serverSecuTix JIRA Tracking System

Reset password operatore

Reset pw email for back office operators

Sent from backoffice both for new operators or to manually send a reset pw (if forgotten)
to be enabled on Elcadmin > Institution parameters

Image Added

Reset  passwordPassRes GDPR compliant password reset email with token

When users click on "forgot pw" on ticketshoORG>Contact)
Image Modified

Must be used in production

Reset Password
Resold ticket notification for cultural contact[NONE]
Email sent to notify cultural contact about ticket resale
Reselling - Email notifica rivendita per contatto culturale

Season ticket subscription ack/acknowledgmentSouscAbo
 mainly rel
sub renewal batch **under review
x Francia - Email conferma abbonamento
not longer used / mainly related to France (ONP) to request a season ticket (order to be created manually)
Summary with ISRBVR
CH only
x Svizzera - Riepilogo pagamento con BVR

Tax Refund SummaryTaxRef
US/LATAM only | Recap including information useful to ask refund for donation or membership
US only **under review

To be added at Document to send level or form File details

Jira Legacy
serverSecuTix JIRA Tracking System

x US - Riepilogo donazione fini fiscali
Ticket ack/acknowledgmentRécBill Distribution related - Email sent to confirmed tickets have been distributedWhen users distribute tickets on B2B ticketshops, or B2C with distribution feature activated
B2B - Conferma ricezione biglietti distribuitiEmail conferma stampa biglietti
Ticket details emailTktDtlSport/UEFA related - Emal sent to confirm tickets have been printed
GEO related **under review

Ticket printing receipt[NONE]
 UK only? Reciept
Sport/UEFA related - Receipt stating the correct reception of tickets
x UK - Ricevuta biglietti stampati
by the contact (who's supposed to sign it)unclear/manually
Ticket put on resale notificationResaleOnEmail sent to confirm tickets have been put on resale
Reselling - Email conferma biglietto rimesso in vendita

Ticket removed from resale notificationResalOff
Email sent to confirm tickets have been removed from resale
Reselling - Email conferma biglietto rimosso dalla vendita

Waiting list optionsListAtOp
Option related - Email sent to notify the request has been put on hold/waiting listSent according to option management
Opzioni - Richiesta messa in lista d'attesa

keywords: what is sent when ?special thanks to OP @lbu and @cpf for crosschecks



  •    (ONLINE) Organization > Initialization > Sales Channels > POS > General > Internet parameters: set the ticketshop full domain + "/account" in the fields below:


keywords: what is sent when ?