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File format for vouchers

The generic file format is described in Generic file format (Extended). This documents describes all available import fields.

titleVoucher code limitations

The voucher barcode can only contain characters (0 to 9) or (a to f).

Example: 2JJ-MSC-8A8 has characters J, M, S which are not in (a-f), it cannot be used.




REMARKTextOrder remark 15CULTURAL product_CODE_CODEDateBeginning of the validity of the voucherDateEnd of the voucher the voucher

Not used yet.

Yes ORDERMandatory when .Default value: Order date
Field codeField typeMandatoryDescription
INSTITUTIONText 15CodeYesInstitution code owning the data to be imported.
ORGANIZATIONText15CodeYesOrganization code owning the data to be imported.
By default, the organization code is the same as the institution codeIf leave it empty, the institution code will be used.

Order number.

Will be set by import package while importing if left empty.

YesIf leave it empty, order number will be set while importing by default.
One line is one ticket. So each line is a unique order number if leave it empty.
Many tickets can be in an order if leave them the same order number. This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing.
This will be file number also.
ORDER_DATEDateYesOrder Buying date.
By default, order date is importing dateIf leave it empty, it will be imported date by default.
OPERATION_TYPEEnumYesOperation type.Allowed values: SALE or RESERVATION.
CONFIRMATION_DATEDateNoExpiration date to confirm reservation.BUYING_CONTACT_NR
REMARKText 2000YesThe contact number of contact that bought the voucher.NoInternal remark of order.
BUYING_CONTACT_NRNumberNoCultural contact numberContact number who buys the order.

By default it is identical to the buying contact number.

FIRST_NAMEIf leave it empty, the sale will be anonymous by default.
ORIGIN_COUNTRYText 50NoBeneficiary first name. Set this info only for sold tickets.LAST_NAMECountry of buying contact (only if buying contact is not specified).
ORIGIN_REGIONText 50NoBeneficiary last name. Set this info only for sold tickets.VOUCHER_NRNumberNo

The voucher number of contact.

Will be set by import package while importing if left emptyRegion of buying contact (only if buying contact is not specified).
ORIGIN_ZIPCODEText 50NoZip code of buying contact (only if buying contact is not specified).
SEASONCodeYesSeason code of voucher.
VOUCHERCodeYesProduct code of voucher.
ITEMCodeYesItem code of voucher.
VALIDITY_BEGINTimestampYesThe date starts to validate.
VALIDITY_ENDTimestampYesThe date stops to validate.
TARIFFCodeYesTariff code.
The tariff code linked to the season that match one of these conditions:
- Main category = 'OCCASIONAL' and secondary category = 'INDIVIDUAL'
PRICEAmountYesPrice of ticket * 100 (so that 25$ = 2500).
CHARGEAmountNoCharge of ticket * 100 (so that 1$ = 100).
VATPercentageNoIf leave it empty, it will be 0 while importing by default.
Vat rate in percent * 100 (so that 1% = 100).
Choose the rate that active and valid following this:
Valid from date of vat rate <=
ORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate.
PAYMENT_DATEDateYes if SALEIf leave it empty, the operation type is SALE and the price is not 0, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.
VOUCHER_NRNumberNoEach voucher has a unique number to know how many vouchers have been published.
In importation, it helps to define ticket to check between data excel file and database system after importing.
This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing.
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NRNumberNoContact number who is ticket holder.
If leave it empty and first/last name are empty, the buying contact will be used by default. Means it can be imported as anonymous if the buying contact is not given.
BENEFICIARY_FIRSTNAMEText 50NoBeneficiary first name (only if cultural contact is not specified).
BENEFICIARY_LASTNAMEText 50NoBeneficiary last name (only if cultural contact is not specified).

The state of ticket.

Mandatory when If leave it empty, the operation type is SALE, it will be NOT_PRINTED by default.

Generation date.

Mandatory if or CONTROLLED
If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed .Default value: Order dateor controlled, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.
BARCODEText 10050Yes if PRINTED Bar code of the voucher card. Mandatory if the or CONTROLLED

If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default.

Rule: The voucher bar code can only has characters which are (0 to 9) or (a to f).
Example: 2JJ-MSC-8A8 has characters J, M, S which are not in (a-f) will make error.

TAX_NUMBERText 3050Yes if PRINTED The tax number of the voucher card. Mandatory if or CONTROLLEDIf leave it empty and the ticket has been printe.Will be generated with prefix equal to "IMP-" if left emptyor controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default.

Shipment date of the voucher card.

Default value: Order dateNo
If leave it empty, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.

Shipment mode of the voucher card.

Allowed values: TBD.

Mandatory if the No
If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be imported following import rules by default.