The second step will be to make a script that nulls the EXTMANINTERF_ID column of the products table. (Attached scriptActivateV2.sql is an example for reference)
Code Block |
language | sql |
title | Second step: product update |
update product set EXTMANINTERF_ID=null where INS |
Third step is to make another script to change the ticket kind to 'SECUTIX' of all tickets linked to a product in the current season. (Attached updateKindToSecutixWBA.sql is an example for reference)
Code Block |
language | sql |
title | Third step: ticket update |
UPDATE ticket set kind='SECUTIX' where INSTIT_CODE=:institCode AND ticket_id in (
select t.ticket_id
from ticket t
join item it on it.item_id=t.dn_item_id and it.instit_code = t.instit_code
join product p on p.PRODUCT_ID = it.PRODUCT_ID and p.instit_code = it.instit_code
where p.code in (select p2.code from product p2 where p2.instit_code = :institCode) and t.state = 'NOT_PRINTED' AND t.INSTIT_CODE=:institCode ); |
Fourth step, to be able to print season ticket from the plugin it is necessary to leave active only the card type of fortress. Script CardType.sql is an example of how to do it.
Code Block |
language | sql |
title | Fourth step: card_type update |
update card_type set active='F' where cardtype_id in (select cardtype_id from card_type ct2 where ct2.code != 'Fortress' and ct2.instit_code = :instit_code) and instit_code = :instit_code; |
The last step will be to change the Access control type to Fortress:
View file |
name | scriptActivateV2.sql |
height | 250 |
View file |
name | updateKindToSecutixWba.sql |
height | 250 |
View file |
name | cardType.sql |
height | 250 |