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Table of Contents


Contacts can be imported many ways and can be done by the user himself or by a service executed by SecuTix.

It is important that the data to


be imported are cleaned before import to assure high quality so that it can be used efficiently by the marketing tools


The data import may create new contacts, manage these by performing automated updates and also delete or deactivate obsoleted data.

Basic Import

Following actions can be performed using SAM, and therefore be done by the user:

  • Create new contacts
  • Update existing contacts

Extended Import

Extended imports have to be performed using SecuTix Services



Contacts can be imported by the customer using SAM or by a service executed by SecuTix.

The customer give the contacts in a file that respect the SecuTix format

In special cases Contact data can be imported from a non SecuTix formatted source.  A special project will be set up for this.

The contacts are individuals or structures.

The contacts can be qualified with various criteria and the structures can be qualified with various type of structure.

Services provided

For the contacts the followings services are provided

  • Create new contacts (With SAM or as a service)
  • Update contacts  (With SAM or as a service)
  • Inactivate contacts (As service)
  • Anonimize contacts (as service)
  • Delete contacts (As service)
  • Qualify our contacts: define criteria’s for the contacts (As service)
  • Qualify our structures: define type of structure (As service)

  • Special service: Import from non SecuTix formated data (As service)


To be able to import contacts, you need following tasks to be finished

  • The contact data must be cleaned: Adress must be correst, duplicated must be removed, older data must be deleted
  • The structure types, if any, must have been defined (see Setting a criteria or a structure type to a contact )
  • The criteria and criterion elements must have been defined (see Setting a criteria or a structure type to a contact )
  • Each contact has a contact number. New contact imported in SecuTix must have non existing contact numbers. The contact numbers of the source system can be keep and imported. (A specific range is reserved for existing contact numbers)

File formats

For all imports as a service, the file format is described in << document >> and an example Excel file is in Contact import Format (Extended) and example Excel files are given. If this format is not respected, special actions have to be performed on the input files and may imply high higher costs.

How to import

To import data, you can do it either by yourself using Basic import, or fill the needed files and request a service.


Create new contacts

Basic Import

The basic import can be done by the user himself. It is using an interface in SAM.

Following fields can be imported :

  • E-mail address
  • First name, name
  • One address
  • Criteria
  • Authorization

If more data needs to be imported, an extended import is necessary.

Extended Import

The extended import gives the possibility to load many other fields and objects.

Following fields can be imported :

  • Contact number
    • The original contact number can be kept if wished. Therefore, it must not already be used by a previous import.
  • Individual information
    • First name, last name, date of birth, preferred language, …
  • Structure information
    • Structure name, structure type, community type, administrative numbers, …
  • Postal address
    • Possibility to import Billing and shipping addresses separately.
  • Communication means
    • E-Mail address, phone numbers
  • Criteria
  • Authorizations

The details and more fields are found in the format description.


PS: Please describe a change request for the product to extend the import / update with some in order to do every import / update / with SAM and no more PL SQL service is needed.


Updates contacts

Update with SAM module

Limited update. Possible to be done by the customer in SAM or as a service

What is updated

Base on e-mail address this fields are updated:

  • First name, name
  • Criteria
  • Authorization

If you need more data to be updated see “Update by a service”


Format of data to update

  • See other docs no 2 and 3


How to update

  • Do it by yourself: Short descripting and print screen of SAM Import
  • Or request a service


Update with a service

Extended importation. Done as a service

What is updates

Base on contact ID, this fields are updated:

  • E-mail address
  • First name, name
  • Many address
  • Criteria
  • Authorization


Format of data to update

-        See other docs no 2 and 3


How to update

  • Request a service to get an list of contact with Contact ID in a Excel file
  • Update the contact in the Excel file
  • Request a service to update the contact with the file


Delete contacts

Same structure than import or update contact




Associate a contact to a criteria


No informati


Procedure and planning

Process view from the customer

  1. The customer lears about he file format and possibilities
  2. The customer clean the data
  3. No later than two weeks before milestone J, the customer gives the data in the SecuTix format to the project leader 
  4. No later than one week before milestone, the data are imported into pre production environment (pre condition: The copy of data Institution and basic configuration) from prod – to preprod is done before.
  5. The customer validate the data import in pre-production
  6. Optionally, to import recent data, the customer has the possibility to give a second full data extraction at J-1 in the same format than the first data extraction.
  7. at J the data are imported in prod


Complete process

  1. At the internal project kick-off, the project leader announces which data will be migrate (Individuals contact, structures, selling history as indicators)
  2. The team leader transmit the documents (in service catalog) to the customer
  3. The customer gives the data in the SecuTix format to the project leader 
  4. No later than two weeks before milestone J, the project leader creates a kayako data import with the data
  5. If the customer is not able to give the data in the SecuTix format, The customer delivers his format and a special price is communicated to the customer
  6. VN verify the data and submit to ADI the data transformation foreseen during an import kick-off organized between VN and ADI. ADI validates the foreseen transformations.
  7. VN transforms the data by scripts or excel formulas. There is no individual modification. Every modification is reproducible with the scripts or excel formulas. Only entire columns are modify. No individual modification is done on a line
  8. VN imports the data in a development environment to validate the import process. VN correct the scripts and formulas to solve the imports problems.
  9. The quality gate in VN verify the log file and the protocol used (scripts and excel formulas applied to transform the data) Actions are taken in VN if corrections are necessary
  10. No later than one week before milestone, VN give back the data correctly formatted to ADI. VN delivers also the Log file and the protocol used with the scripts and excel formulas applied to transform the data)
  11. The data are imported into pre production environment (pre condition: The copy of data Institution and basic configuration) from prod – to preprod is done before.
  12. The customer validate the data import in pre-production
  13. Optionally, to import recent data, the customer has the possibility to give a second full data extraction at J-1 in the same format than the first data extraction. VN execute the same scripts on the data.
  14. ADI imports the data in production
  15. ADI gi
  16. VN update the kayako with the list of non-imported data (Log file), set the kayako to “final validation” and set the owner to the project leader
  17. The project leader validates the import, transmits to the customer and set the kayako to “solved”.


Deduplicate contacts

Write how to do



Prepare your data to be imported

To prepare a contact data import please folow the instructions on these pages: :




Special services: Import from non SecuTix formed data


  • CSV not SecuTix formatted
  • Excel
  • Dump DB Rodrigue database dump,
  • SecuTix 1
  • Sirius ?
  • Digitick ?

Short description of the service.



At what time the customer has to deliver the data. At what time he will receive the data in PP, in P.


  • Any Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, Postgresql, Filemaker, Access database

We analyze the provided data and propose an action plan an a commercial proposal to import this data.