Include in shipment fee : for cases where shipment fees where set to be Per ticket, you can choose if the tickets of the competition you are creating will be applied the shipment fees or not. This provide the flexibility to say that some products are not eligible for shipment fees.
See Organisation | Initialisation | Shipment Fees
Remark : text field to insert comment. This will remain at back office level.
Tariff at which tickets belonging to a season ticket are resold on resale platform : when using SecuTix resale platform, you can set that the resale of any tickets coming from the season ticket related to this competition will be resold at a particular tarif. The benefit there is usually to make sure that anyone coming on the resOrganisation | Initialisation | Sales Channels | Points of sales | Internet parameter where the point of sales is the one used for your resale platform.
This screen is for you to set the sales calendars that will apply for all the matches of your competition. You can have different sales calendar for different sales channel, or one for all sales channels.
See : Organisation | Catalog | Sales calendars
7) Activity profiles Anchor Activity profiles Activity profiles
This is where you associate the set of rules regarding the selling of your competitions. Among the rules, the sales channels on which the competition will be available.
See : Organisation | Catalog | Activity Profile
8) Payment methods Anchor Payment methods Payment methods