Feature patch - Released in production the week 21-2523.09.2020
New features
New features
- The new features delivered in this feature patch will be listed here soon.
Bug fixes
Online sales
- Depending on which payment method you are authorizing online you may need to have the waiting account activated for your contacts (e.g. payment in 3 times by credit card). Currently, this activation is either manual and done in the back-office of SecuTix, or is done systematically for all contacts of the organization. Thanks to this new feature, the waiting account can be automatically activated only for those contacts using a payment method that requires it.
- A new security parameter in the Organization > Operators > Profiles > Privileges allows to toggle the permission to print tickets for non-settled files (with unpaid installments) on the on-site screen.
- The bulk refund batch that is helping you to process refund in bulk supports now additional filters to exclude some orders from the process (based on cultural contact, payer contact, order contact and/or file numbers)
- To reduce the workload around refunds, the box-office will now remember the last reason of refund, saving you precious time when refunding several orders in a row for the same reason.
- The seat category mapping creation displays now the color of seat categories to help in the configuration process.
Bug fixes
- [STX-102816] An infinite redirection between lottery and ticket shop occurs when using SSO hub.
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title | Additional bug fixes |
- [STX-102453] Seat icon after manual rotation doe does not display in the correct position
- [STX-102754] Seat information is displayed outside the seat information frame
- [STX-96435] A payment is reflected in the wrong file due to a TPE error
- [STX-101485] Conditional cross selling return incorrect quantity when renewing season tickets with advantage price
- [STX-101523] New TPE sometimes do not communicate correctly with SecuTix
- [STX-101663] An error happens when cancelling a ticket through the Skidata interface
- [STX-101678] The execution executions of batches computing the daily indicators are sometimes failing
- [STX-101765] Status of controlled tickets is not correctly synchronized to the relative corresponding files
- [STX-101799] When reprinting mobile tickets, the process fails with an errorRe-printing mobile tickets does not work as expected
- [STX-101952] Device manager cancharacters character in their the path
- [STX-102046] Some online payments with aliases are not accepted
- [STX-102055] In lottery "max tickets per application" message is not displaying
- [STX-102068] Some online payments are authorized by ATOS, but abandoned by SecuTix payment gateway
- [STX-102149] The T020 report cannot be succesfully generated
- [STX-102311] Tickets can be printed by operators that do not have the appropriate 102311] It is possible to print tickets even when the operator does not have the corresponding rights
- [STX-102349] An error happens when paying installments in some specific configurations
- [STX-102378] In the seat map editor, the rotation value in the popup is not reset when the rotation has been undone
- [STX-102416] An error happens when generating cultural history report[STX-102447] The copy/paste feature of the new seat map editor is not working exactly as in the previous versionit's was on the old seat maps
- [STX-102539] It is not possible to print order receipts using an EPSON printer[STX-102578] The price does not change when the category is changed in the seat map is changed
- [STX-102643] An error happens in resale platform when trying to purchase tickets and social distancing features are enabled
- [STX-102656] The long Long execution email notification is sometimes sent with unreadable subject /or content
- [STX-102658] Price level of a member rate is empty when copying products the product from another season[STX-102665] Sub-target group configuration does not work when the relative functions are unchecked
- [STX-102667] The wrong Wrong space is defined in visit groups group when the first sale is done through a package
- [STX-102683] The No questionnaire should be requested to be filled when cancelling a reservation
- [STX-102693] Seat category mapping table: the right seat category list of seat categories is not fully visibleis not properly displayed in the screen
- [STX-102921] The on-site support screen is sometimes too slow
- [STX-102717] Availability calendar widget does not show in some cases all the available days102731] Visit pass quota value does not correspond to the same value in SAP
- [STX-102733] It In some cases, it is not possible to generate invoices for orders order due to an error
- [STX-102745] A person that corresponds to user with more than a contact with the same mail cannot subscribe in the Newsletterto the newsletter
- [STX-102770] It is not possible to generate reports due to an error
- [STX-102807] The birth date printed on a ticket is one day before the value entered by operator
- [STX-102814] Target product is not correctly displayed in the conditional cross selling
- [STX-102848] When cosmetics are rotated, resizing steps work incorrectly
- [STX-102870] In the ticket shop, the option "other proposal" does not seem to work anymore