Welcome Welcome to SecuTix Piz Bernina V2
For the The second 2017 release of SecuTix 360° , we decided to focus our efforts focuses on providing your online visitors with more autonomy and freedom. You can now boost your revenue by allowing subscribers Give your season ticket holders the freedom to resell certain tickets via the to other parties on the exchange programme market while you retain control over the applicable tariff . Your visitors also now have the option to manage tickets in their community (family & friends) and, by defining 'parent-child' links, so as to safeguard your revenue. Let your online visitors facilitate their (family and friends) community by giving them the option to buy tickets, pay for reservations or and even load tickets onto RFID cards in their name. And we didn't forget museums: it's now possible to bulk modify visit tickets or define their duration regardless of the slot originally selectedon behalf of their community members. For our museum customers, Piz Bernina V2 introduces greater flexibility i.
All of us in the SecuTix team hope you enjoy discovering exploring this new release!
Piz Bernina V2: key new features
New features with the exchange programme
Boost profits when you resell tickets from a season ticket
You decide which tariff to apply when a ticket belonging to a season ticket holder is resold, providing you with additional revenue on the difference between the season ticket tariff and the resale tariff. You can now also facilitate volume resales straight from the room plan.
Gestion des billets au nom des membres d'une communauté (famille/amis) (Copy)
Gestion des billets au nom des membres d'une communauté (famille/amis) (Copy)
Permettez à vos internautes de gérer leur communauté avec des liens "parent-enfant". Ils peuvent ainsi acheter des billets ou payer des réservations au nom de leur communauté. Finalement ils peuvent charger les billets sur les éventuelles cartes RFID des membres de leur communauté.
Améliorations du paramétrage et de la vente des pass visites (Copy)
Améliorations du paramétrage et de la vente des pass visites (Copy)
Modifiez les prix des pass visites en masse. Configurez la durée de la visite au niveau du pass visite lui-même, afin de surcharger celle du creneau. Modifiez la date de visite d'un de vos groupes. Supprimez un créneau depuis le calendrier des visites. Vendez vos visites individuelles guidées depuis l'écran tactile.
Améliorations du paramétrage et de la vente des pass visites (Copy)
Autres nouveautés et améliorations fonctionnelles
Piz Bernina V2 apporte de nombreuses autres améliorations fonctionnelles.
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Une mise à jour du kit Firefox de SecuTix est disponible et contient une nouvelle méthode pour gérer la communication entre vos caisses et les périphériques - imprimantes, terminaux de paiement et tiroirs caisse. C’est l'application "Device Manager" installée conjointement à Firefox qui se charge désormais du pilotage des périphériques de caisse en remplacement des applets qui ne seront plus utilisés à l'avenir. Si vous n'avez pas encore installé la nouvelle version, veuillez suivre Comment installer le kit SecuTix (Firefox et Device Manager)? [Matterhorn V3]. |
Vente en ligne
Afficher des indicateurs dans l'espace personnel (Copy)Let your online visitors make purchases on behalf of their friends and family community members
Allow your online visitors to host their community with 'parent-child' links. They can use these to purchase tickets or pay for reservations on behalf of their community end even load tickets onto RFID cards belonging to their community members.
Visit passes: improved configuration and sales
Bulk change visit pass prices. Configure visit durations in the visit pass itself rather than just in the timeslot. Change the visit date for one of your groups. Delete slots from the visit calendar. Sell individual guided visits from the touchscreen.
Other new features and enhancements
Piz Bernina V2 also features a number of other improvements.
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There is an update available for the SecuTix Firefox kit which includes a new way to manage communication between your box office and peripherals – printers, payment terminals and cash drawers. This is the 'Device Manager' installed along with Firefox, which now controls box office peripherals. It replaces the applets, which are now discontinued. If you haven't installed the new version yet, please see these instructions. |
Online sales
Innovation Lab - Gravity Widgets
- Insert our Newsletter Widget on any website (Copy)
- Build your own product catalog
Let your customers choose an alternative seat category on in a sold-out performance of a season ticket (Copy)
- Interdiction d'achat en fonction du lieu de résidence de l'acheteur (Copy)
Vente et paiements
- Vente d'avantage depuis le panier tactile (Copy)
- Gestion des alias dans le module Vente ou la fiche contact (Copy)
- Remboursez sur une carte de crédit en temps réel (Ogone)
- Paiement par BVR en plusieurs fois (Copy)
- Renouvellez automatiquement vos abonnés
- Modifiez la place d'un abonnement depuis le plan de salle
- Chargez la carte RFID automatiquement
SAM - SecuTix Audience Management
- Ciblage dans SAM sur l'historique de fréquentation (Copy)
- Relance des contacts ayant un paiement échoué (expiration de l'alias) (Copy))
- Simplification de la saisie des bénéficiaires et questionnaires (Copy)
- Affichez le nom et prénom dans deux colonnes distinctes du domaine "questionnaire"
Sales and payment
- Sell advantages from the touch cart
- Manage aliases in the Sales module or the contact form
- Make credit card refunds in real time (Ogone)
- Offer ESR payment by instalment
Season tickets
SAM - SecuTix Audience Management
- Simplified beneficiary and questionnaire input
- Display first and last name in separate columns in the 'questionnaire' domain
Innovation Lab – Gravity Widgets
- Make it easy for customers to subscribe to your newsletter with our Newsletter Widget
- Build your own product catalogue page with our flexible and responsive Product Widget (Copy)
Améliorations techniques
Technical enhancements
We're making ongoing improvements to enhance the performance and stability of SecuTix via migration to the very latest versions of mongoDB, Oracle, ElasticSearch, tomcat and java, javaetc...
Aussi, après les images des produits dans Also, having added product images in Piz Bernina V1, toutes les autres images pouvant être uploadée dans le back-office sont maintenant sauvegardée dans le Cloud, Déploiement sur le Cloud des ressources "grand public".
- Integration du lecteur RFID directmenert au moment de l'impression des cartes par l'imprimante Evolis
Nouveautés fonctionnelles proposées à travers l'intégration des solutions digitales de nos partenaires
- Fortress UK integration
- Slimpay sur Internet
- Paiement partagé entre les membres d'un groupe via Sharegroop
all the other images you were able to upload to the back office are now stored in the cloud with all their associated features.
- RFID reader integrated at the point when you print cards on the Evolis printer
New features in the pipeline with integrated digital solutions from our partners
- Captcha becomes invisible thanks to early integration of latest Google invisible recaptcha
- Fortress GB integration
- Direct debit payments via BACS or SEPA are now possible on the internet ticketshop thanks to our partnership with Slimpay, including the capability for contaacts to set up UMRs themselves
- Shared payment between members of a group via Sharegroop
- Enhancements to auto-complete for addresses in terms of how it displays the various choices, and better fuzzy search accuracy. A one-week free trial period is now available – contact us!
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