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SecuTix is now an official Salesforce ISVForce partner.

A connector to easily and seamlessly integrate SecuTix and Salesforce will be ready to use in Salesforce AppExchange from Spring 2020.

It will allow to leverage Salesforce Service Cloud + Community Cloud (+ Marketing Cloud + Sales Cloud to some extend in this first release), yet allowing you to fully customize Salesforce processes/workflows to exactly fit your needs…

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Main features

Bidirectional synchronisation of contacts

Contacts will be fully synchronized between the two platforms in quasi real-time.

Individuals (contacts which represent real people) in SecuTix SECUTIX are mapped in Salesforce as entity PersonAccount or Contact (it is a setup decision depending of the availability of PersonAccount in your Salesforce organization)

Relays in SecuTix SECUTIX (individuals linked to a Structure) are mapped to Salesforce Contact entitie

Structures in SecuTix SECUTIX (contacts which represent companies, associations...) are mapped to Salesforce Account entities.

  1. If a Contact (Individual, Relay or Structure) is modified in SecuTixSECUTIX, the changes are propagated to the relevant object in Salesforce.
  2. If an Account, PersonAccount or Contact is modified in Salesforce, changes are propagated to SecuTixSECUTIX.
Sales synchonization from


SECUTIX to Salesforce

Now it is also possible to have SecuTix SECUTIX sales integrated in Salesforce with the FirehoseOrder-Salesforce plugin.

This synchronization is done at operation level. The SecuTix SECUTIX operation data will be mapped (see below), sent to Salesforce and associated with the corresponding contact.

The default Saleforce object to which SacuTix sales are mapped is a custom object called SecutixSaleSECUTIXSale, but is also possible to change this and select any other available Salesforce object, custom or native. Each of these Salesforce objects will represent one SecuTix SECUTIX operation.

Possible customizations


: Flexible synchronisation for contacts

SecuTix SECUTIX offers many custom fields for contacts : criteria, authorization, indicators...

Thanks to a specific mapping screen in SecuTix SECUTIX App in Salesforce, the mapping of fields between SecuTix SECUTIX and Salesforce can be customized fitting your needs.


Configuration detailed example

The SecuTix SECUTIX attribute name is a path allowing to read a contact's value by browsing it representation in SecuTixSECUTIX' API model.

In the example above, it means that a contact's first name will be mapped to the

Those "obvious" mappings are delivered as the default setup of SecuTix SECUTIX app.

But the mechanism allows more subtle mappings like


Or here, the system will read the address which is the main one, then will concatenate the 3 fields describing an address in SecuTix SECUTIX with EOL (End of line) characters between them, and map them to Salesforce unique address field.

Possible customizations: Flexibility in sales synchronization

A lot of customization is possible to specify which fields are mapped from SecuTix SECUTIX sales and how. This is done By a set of mappings defined directly in the plugin through the interface configuration screen. The mapping language use for this is similar to that used for the contact, but it is simpler while keeping its flexibility.

Next you can see the default set of mappings. These can be extended or modified by the operator when configuring the interface.
To the right of the '=' we can see the name of the field in Salesforce object (SecutixSale SECUTIXSale by default). To the left, the corresponding value from the SecuTix SECUTIX operation. As can be seen for the 'Name' fiels, it is possible to concatenate different fields from the origin to the destination.


Name = operation.product + + order.organizationCode + operation.totalAmount + order.catalogCurrency.currencyCode
secutixSECUTIX__SyncId__c  = operation operation.operationId
secutixSECUTIX__Organization__c  = order order.organizationCode
secutixSECUTIX__Space__c  = operation
secutixSECUTIX__ContactSTXNumber__c  = order order.contactReference
secutixSECUTIX__Item__c  = operation operation.itemDisplayExternalDesignation
secutixSECUTIX__Total_Amount__c  = operation operation.totalAmount
secutixSECUTIX__CatalogCurrency__c  = order order.catalogCurrency./currencyCode
secutixSECUTIX__Advantage__c  = operation operation.advantage
secutixSECUTIX__Tariff__c  = operation operation.audienceSubCategory
secutixSECUTIX__Contingent__c  = operation operation.contingent
secutixSECUTIX__ExpirationDate__c  = operation operation.expirationDate
secutixSECUTIX__SecuTixFileIdSECUTIXFileId__c  = operation operation.fileId
secutixSECUTIX__MatchRound__c  = operation operation.match.round
secutixSECUTIX__MatchRoundCode__c  = operation operation.match.roundCode
secutixSECUTIX__OrderType__c  = order order.orderType
secutixSECUTIX__CreationDate__c  = order order.creationDateTime
secutixSECUTIX__SecuTixOrderIdSECUTIXOrderId__c  = order order.orderId
secutixSECUTIX__Remark__c  = order order.remark
secutixSECUTIX__Description__c  = operation operation.itemDisplayExternalDesignation
secutixSECUTIX__Quantity__c  = operation operation.quantity
secutixSECUTIX__Unit_pri = operation operation.unitPrice
SECUTIX__ProductFamily__c = OperationDatas(0)/productFamilyType
SECUTIX__SalesChannel__c = salesChannelCode

There are some field that must remain in any configuration because are use to keep the synchronization and the link with the relevant contact. There are 'SyncId', which matches with the operationId in SecuTixSECUTIX, and 'ContactSTXNumber', which is used to find the contact in Salesforce linked to the sale via it own SyncId.


In the picture can be seen an example of how we see the secutixSales SECUTIXSales for Mrs. Edna Frank. The infomation shown here is fully configurable through the Name parameter mapping

Interested ? Simply contact your account manager or open a service ticket in the Service Desk

If you are already an administrator of an organization using SecuTix App, there is a page with very useful information for you. Check it out! : Information for Salesforce organization administrators about SecuTix application