File format for memberships
The generic file format is described in Generic file format (Extended). This documents describes all available import fields.
Attachments | ||
Field code | Field type | Mandatory | Description | ||||
INSTITUTION | Code | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. | ||||
ORGANIZATION | Code | YesNo | Organization code owning the data to be imported. By default, the organization code is the same as If leave it empty, the institution code will be used. | ||||
ORDER_NR | Number | No | Order number. Will be set by import package while importing if left empty. | ORDER_DATE | Timestamp | Yes | Order date. By default, order date is importing dateIf leave it empty, order number will be set while importing by default.One line is one ticket. So each line is a unique order number if leave it empty. Many tickets can be in an order if leave them the same order number. This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing. This will be file number also. |
ORDER_DATE | Date | No | Buying date. If leave it empty, it will be imported date by default. | ||||
OPERATION_TYPE | Enum | YesOperation type. | Allowed values: SALE or RESERVATION. | ||||
CONFIRMATION_DATE | Date | No | Expiration date to confirm reservation. | ||||
REMARK | Text 2000 | No | Order Internal remark of order. | ||||
BUYING_CONTACT_NR | Number | Yes | The contact number of contact that owner the membership card. | ||||
FIRST_NAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary first name. Set this info only for sold membership cards. | ||||
LAST_NAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary last name. Set this info only for sold membership cards. | ||||
MEMBER_NR | Number | No | The membership number of contact. This number allows another member to buy ticket on behalf of this memberContact number who buys the order. Mandatory because a membership needs a contact. | ||||
SEASON | Code | Yes | Season code of membership product. | ||||
MEMBERSHIP | Code | Yes | The product Product code of the membership that is to be imported. | ||||
TARIFFVALIDITY_BEGIN | CodeTimestamp | Yes | The tariff code linked to the season that match one of these conditions : | ||||
VALIDITY_BEGINEND | DateTimestamp | YesBeginning | of the membershipThe date stops to validate. | ||||
VALIDITY_ENDTARIFF | DateCode | Yes | End of the membershipTariff code. | ||||
PRICE | Amount | Yes | Price of season ticket * 100 (so that 25$ = 2500). | ||||
CHARGE | Amount | No | Charge of ticket * 100 | .Not used yet(so that 1$ = 100). | |||
VAT | PercentageYes | No | If leave it empty, it will be 0 while importing by default. Vat rate i Choose the rate that active and valid following this: Valid from date of vat rate <= ORDERORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate. | ||||
PAYMENT_DATE | Date | Yes if SALE | Mandatory when No | If leave it empty, the operation type is SALE and the price is not 0, the order date will be used by default. Default value: Order dateMeans it can be imported date if the order date is not given. | |||
MEMBERSHIP_NR | Number | No | Each membership has a unique number to know how many memberships have been published. In impo This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing. | ||||
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NR | Number | No | Contact number who is ticket holder. If leave it empty and first/last name are empty, the buying contact number will be used by default. | ||||
BENEFICIARY_FIRSTNAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary first name (only if cultural contact is not specified). | ||||
BENEFICIARY_LASTNAME | Text 50 | No | Beneficiary last name (only if cultural contact is not specified). | ||||
TICKET_STATE | Enum | Yes if SALE | The state of ticket.Mandatory when the operation type is SALE. Allowed values: NOT_PRINTED | or , PRINTED, CONTROLLED. | |||
GENERATION_DATE | TimestampDate | Yes if PRINTED | Generation date. Mandatory if No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed .Default value: Order dateor controlled, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. | |||
BARCODE | Text | 10050 | Yes if PRINTED | Bar code of the membership card. Mandatory ifNo | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default. | ||
TAX_NUMBER | Text 3050 | Yes if PRINTED | The tax number of the membership card. Mandatory if the No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed .Will be generated with prefix equal to "IMP-" if left emptyor controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default. | |||
SHIPMENT_DATE | Date | Yes | No | If leave it empty, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given. | |||
SHIPMENT_MODE | Code | Yes if PRINTED | No | If leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be imported following import rules by default. |