Product release notes
S4 +
S5 (F)
"Master Event" (Competition) concept → /!\ This new feature has been deployed only into preproduction yet. It will be deployed into production in January 2023. /!\ As an organizer, I want to have a concept of "Master Event" (Competition) in the product.
- The organizer can group multiple Events and Event Groups under a new "Master Event" (Competition) umbrella. This will allow the search for Events under one "Master Event", and enable some custom statistics and metrics.
- AdminTool 2.0 screens with "Master Event Id", "Master Event Name":
- Events:Edit event:Ticket List:
S4 +
S5 (F)
Registration & My Profile and Assignee fields configurator → /!\ This new feature has been deployed only into preproduction yet. It will be deployed into production in January 2023. /!\ As an organizer, I can change my setting for profile/assign screens
- The organizer can configure for each App ID the different predefined fields in Registration & My Profile and Assignee, as "Mandatory", "Optional" or "Not visible". The solution only supports this predefined list of fields. The mobile wallet need to be killed and reopened to take into account the live-changes.
- Registration & My Profile configuration:
- Assignment configuration:
- NB: The legacy configuration in the AdminTool 2.0 / Settings / Application Features tab "use-assign-reason", "mandatory-assign-reason" and "ticketHolder.personal.information.mandatory"
- When a field is set as:
- “Mandatory”, spectators can’t update, or do another action if it is empty. A red star * will be displayed next to the label in the mobile app.
- “Optional”, this field is displayed on the mobile app, and allow spectator to edit if they want to.
- “Not visible”, this field is not displayed in the mobile app.
- Registration & My Profile configuration:
S4 +
S5 (F)
Design: in-app standard button and spinner animations Improve spinner animation of app language change
- TIXNGO is now better indicating processing, success, or error status while executing.
- Test case OK (changing app language):Test case NotOK (no network):All buttons one-standard:
S4 +
S5 (F)
Table of contents
- Big bangs
- Cool new features
- In-app emails language selection + In-app app language selection
- In-app consent to updated legal document
- Latest synchronization timestamp display
- Anonymize assignees data after x weeks
- Transfer auto-cancellation email and push notification
- Secret code to enable/disable screenshot and screen recording protection
- AdminTool 2.0 HTLM editor & viewer
- AdminTool 2.0 new moderator user profile
- AdminTool 2.0 actions always displayed at glance
- KeyCloak SSO integration
- Guidance webpage for user to download the app
- Wristband active icon for hospitality room
- Small new features
- Yellow/green ribbon
- Bluetooth banner reminder for Bluetooth Beacon activation + Bluetooth and Location pop-up reminders for Bluetooth Beacon activation
- Encrypt the activation and deactivation codes in-app + Encrypt personal information data in-app
- Design in-app standard button and spinner animations
- Retrieve ticket status interface errors (time out)
- AdminTool 2.0 Group event(s) overview report / 2 additional fields: failure and transferFailure
- Performance
Product release notes
Product features | ||||||||||||
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| As AdminTool 2.0 admin-user (AU), I can delete/anonymize spectator in the AdminTool 2.0
| |||||||||||| As an organizer, I can change my setting for profile/assign screens
| |||||||||||| Improve spinner animation of app language change
| |||||||||||| [All apps] As an organizer, I can request registered app users to consent to updated legal document (e.g. EULA, Privacy Notice)
| |||||||||||| Manual Activation / Deactivation on match number
| |||||||||||| As a wallet user, I’d like to see a wristband icon
| ||||||||||||
Mix [All apps] As an organizer, I can request registered app users to consent to updated legal document (e.g. EULA, Privacy Notice).
| S3 | TnG | 1413 As a wallet user, I don't need to use a password to login.
| ||||||||| "Open this page on your phone device" website
| ||||||||||||
S3 | TnG | BE Test event - retrieve ticket status interface errors (time out)
| ||||||||||
| TnG | One event organizer app to integrate with KeyCloak SSO: As a ticket buyer, I can use my credentials created at the purchase step to login on the branded app.
| S3 | TnG | Mob | ||||||| Encrypt personal information data with the encryption mechanism in place.
| ||||||||||||
S3 | TnG | Mob Encrypt the activation and deactivation codes communicated to app.
| ||||||||||
S3 | TnG | Mob Bluetooth Bluetooth reminder and Location reminder for Beacon activation
| ||||||||||
S3 | TnG | Mob [SDK] rework on UI of permission reminder
| ||||||||||
S3 | TnG | BO | As As an organizer, I want to see all tickets at current status in group event(s) overview report [Admintool 2.0] Add 2 additional fields for Event overview report screen (c.f. Match day overview per event in 2022 Weisshorn V2 all organizers)
| |||||||||
S3 | TnG | BO As an organizer, I can see actions at a glance in the screens that contains table content | ||||||||||
S3 | TnG | BO As As an AdminTool 2.0 moderator-user (Mod), I have all basic-user (BU) right and can also send push notification campaigns (so far only admin-user (AU)).
| S2 | TnG | Mob | ||||||| As a SDK app user, I can see a yellow/green ribbon on event day after doors open, to prompt me to activate Bluetooth.
| ||||||||||||
S2 | TnG | BO
| ||||||||||
S2 | TnG | BE As As an organizer, I want to have all data related to assignees deleted 4 weeks after the event.
| ||||||||||
S2 | TnG | BE As As an organizer I would like to have a possibility to send an email and push notifications about transfer auto-cancellation to a sende As an organizer I would like to have a possibility to send an email and push notifications about transfer auto-cancellation to a sender
| ||||||||||
S2 | TnG | Mob Mobile app: as a user I want to be able to change/choose app language directly in the app
| ||||||||||
S2 | TnG | Mob As As a wallet user I want to be able to change/choose my preference language for all communications
| ||||||||||
S2 | TnG | Mob If If ticket is on resale/resold, it should be displayed only in "Resale" section of the burger menu, but not in deleted. | ||||||||||
| S1 | TnG | Mob | As a wallet user, I want to be able to transfer tickets in bulk.
| ||||||||
S1 | TnG | Mob As an organizer, I know a secret code to enable/disable screenshot and screen recording.
| ||||||||||
S1 | TnG | BO As an organizer, I want to be able to transfer spectators ticket to another email address.
| ||||||||||
S1 | TnG | BO Add timestamp of the latest synchronization