Pre-requisite: create Activities, Teams, Competition types, Logical Configuration, Rates Table, Sales Calendar create Product profiles, Product type (optional), Ticket model (optional), Sub-Groupings (optional), Kind of service (optional)
Aim: create and manage your services. Services are optional extras (concert programs, audio guides, books, DVDs, parking, snacks, etc.) or everything an audience may need apart from the ticket itself. In SecuTix, it is the most basic product, it is neither dated nor inventory controlled.
The following buttons perform actions at Service level, i.e. for all the items included.
New | Delete | Validate | Run | Suspend | Duplicate | Copy from season or activity | Print test ticket | Export to Excel |
Delete an existing service (only possible for status Preparing or Validated). You must delete services one by one. | Validate a service (only for status Preparing). You must validate services one by one. | Activate the service so it can follow rules set in Product Profiles. You can activate several services simultaneously. | Stop (temporarily) the sales for all items of the selected service independently of Product profiles or quotas. Service must be suspended before any modification regarding VAT rate, alert threshold, product tyoe, audience type or ticket model or if you want to add items. | Duplicate (=copy/paste) the selected service and its items. | Enable to select services from another season to duplicate them in the current season. | If the selected service ha a ticket model, print a test ticket. A new window will open to ask you for a variable set. | Export the list of all the services to an excel file |
AnchorCreate a new service Create a new service
Create a new service
Create a new service | |
Create a new service |
When creating a new service, you will have to go through the following menus (click on the menu you wish to get there directly) :
1) General
2) Items
8) Access control - Synchronisation
10) Payment methods
12) Validation
1) General Anchor General General
Tax VAT : VAT rate that will apply to your service (all items will have the same). To be selected among the dropdown elements. VAT rates are defined in Institution | Initialisation | VAT Rates.
Alert threshold : if the available quota left for one item of this service reaches this threshold, this will display the Quota Alert message in the back office.
Product type : Product type enables the system to classify the different ticketing products. Products sold at the box office are automatically classified by product type. Product type can also be used in reports filters. Product type are defined in Organisation | Initialisation | Product types
Audience type : Audience type is mainly used to target your audience in SecuTix Audience Management. Audience types are defined in Institution | Initialisation | List of values
Ticket model : Ticket model is not mandatory for a service and will be used for all the items of the service. When bought online, the ticket may be used as a voucher to pick up the product on site. Ticket models are defined in Organisation | Tools | Ticket models
Producer / Promoter / Partner : useful when using the producer portal. Producer contact (structure of type producer) that can be linked to the product. This contact will be able to access data related to this product in his producer portal.
Logo : (max size 1 Mo) image that will be A dynamic shop window
Internet description URL : link to an external page that will appear online behind the More Information link. This link is displayed after the Public description on the ticketshop. It aims at directing people to a page where you would usually present the service. To be used with care as it takes users out of the funnel.
Questionnaire : to gather more information about your customers, you have the possibility to define a series of questions that will be asked to each beneficary of the service at the end of its order.For further details, read the dedicated guide : How do I create questionnaires?
Include in shipment fee : for cases where shipment fees where set to be Per ticket, you can choose if the items of the service you are creating will be applied the shipment fees or not. This provide the flexibility to say that some products are not eligible for shipment fees.
See Organisation | Initialisation | Shipment Fees
Remark : text field to insert comment to the service. This will remain at back office level.
Kind: enables you to have a specific classification for services. The kinf is not visible in sales/reservation, nor only, nor in reports, it is only available through the API. Service kinds are defined in Institution | Initialisation | List of values
Internet text: further description that appears online below the public description.
Sub-groupings are to be defined in Organisation | Initialisation | Sub-topics. At this stage, you can associate a sub-grouping to your service. This sub-grouping can then be used through APIs to group product together for example. It also groups your services in the sales-reservation screen.
Custom variables are to be created in Organisation | Initialisation | Custom Variables.
Custom variables are element you can display on ticket. They are usually used to display static information that can not be setup elsewhere in SecuTix. They are related to the fields Texte_Libre in the ticket editor. See List of variables in the Ticket model editor
They can also be used through API and interfaces between SecuTix and 3rd party system, in order to setup in SecuTix sets of information that will be pushed and handled by the 3rd party system.
- the season of your product must already exist in the Access Control, see
- you need an Access Control calendar, see Organisation | Access Control | Calendars
- you need at least on sector, see Organisation | Access Control | Sectors
- you have a device attached to this sector to control the barcodes.
This is where you associate the set of rules regarding the selling of your service. Among the rules, the sales channels on which the service will be available.
See : Organisation | Catalog | Product Profile
10) Payment methods Anchor Payment methods Payment methods
The rule is as follow : it is the intersection of Point of Sales Payment Methods, Product Family authorised in your Payment Methods (see : Institution | Initialisation | Payment Methods) and Product Payment Methods.
You can also set mappings directly in the related interface. See : Organisation | Tools
12) Validation Anchor Validation Validation
The validation step will make sure that you did not forget to set any mandatory information. In such a case, the message displayed will refer to what is missing. If nothing is missing it will proceed in the actual creation of the competition services and its matchesitems, that will become available for Running.