New features
[STX-84699] As an operator, I want to see the mobile ticket information (status, ticket holder) from blockchain ticket - Part 1 - Backend
[STX-87023] Ingenico NPS Online (Instalments) [NO COMMIT EPC]
[STX-85533] As an operator, I want to see the mobile ticket information (status, ticket holder) from blockchain ticket - Part 2 - Batch
[STX-86785] TeamAxess API change
Bug fixes
A time inconsistency is for visit pass in the box office calendar
(summer vs. winter time)
When a customer connects to the ticket shop and fills in the missing mandatory account fields, then saves, he lands on an error page
It is not possible to associate correctly sales channels to
[STX-87550] The background image of the header does not appear on the ticket shop landing page
[STX-87037] Error message when generating personalised report "Planning TOUS GUIDES"
[STX-85966] LATAM - Problem with season tickets dates in BO / Winter /Sommer time/Client in other timezone
In file details box office screens, events and sessions show a different datetime than the configured in the catalogue
[STX-85753] Balance displayed in Invoice screens is always zero
[STX-87232] In the sales period configuration, the check on sales start time is incorrect for relative date
A wrong country is selected in back office when entering a new relay in a structure
[STX-87290] A technical error prevents sales on the vending machine when multiple payment methods are configured
[STX-87107] Distribution on ticket shop: the instruction on seat map is not clear
[STX-87149] Footer is not displayed at the right place on mobile devices when accessing the ticket shop
[STX-87171] Reservations reminder email does not show the correct deadline to pay the reservations