Versions Compared


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New features

[STX-87978] CLONE - [Backend] Update seat information of tickets already distributed

[STX-87222] Everton SSO integration

[STX-85056] Promoter configured event - part 3 (other data)

Bug fixes

[STX-86905] Multi-million amounts are not handled correctly in SecuTix, generating errors during purchases

[STX-87792] Ticket shops header background color not applying for the landing page

[STX-87521] UEFA PP15 - Agent portal header issues

[STX-87780] Automatic sending reports and advantage mailing batch are sent every day when requested eve

[STX-87819] UEFA PP15 & P15 - Update the name of a field sychronised with Gigya

[STX-88052] Distribution on ticket shop: the instruction on seat map is not clear

[STX-87921] Contact can't see

advantage is

advantages linked to many campaigns

[STX-87887] Ticket shop in flash mode does not display match and competition details

[STX-87797] SAP interface is not working in case of packages: the face value if not correctly computed


Handle deleted contacts correctly in lottery contact syncro batch

 Contacts that were deleted (closed accounts) on Secutix are still considered in the lottery synchronization batches, causing errors

[STX-87277] Setting up export to generate a CSV file


does not work


Impossible to print order receipt

 Technical error when generating order receipts for reservation/reservation cancellation operations

[STX-87584] Incorrect results when searching contacts by seat categories in SAM targets


Disable download as no impact on B2B distribution portal - FIFAT

 User is still able download tickets in distribution ticket pages even when the parameter "fisable download ticket" is selected

[STX-87885] Cannot open multiple SAM email


templates at once

[STX-88128] It is not possible to modify the number of person linked to a tariff/reservation of a group visit pass due to availability miscalculations

[STX-88152] Events bought through tours are not stored with this information, making the logo of the tour not appear in tickets

[STX-88071] When finishing a payment with Worldline, the user is not automatically redirected to the confirmation page of the ticket shop

[STX-88234] Given the possibility to parametrize the field in the filter screen of the seatmp, contingent field is no more displayed by default

[STX-88083] Inconsistent result of report "


product Followup" when using grouping filters

[STX-88072] Refund on Credit Card not possible when overheads are applied

- FIFAT (Saferpay)