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Table of Contents

February 6, 2024

Optimization of the feedback interface

In May 2023, the "lightPayload" parameter was introduced to enhance data retrieval efficiency from the S-360 feedback interface by removing legacy status and history object from data returned to S-360.

We have taken this a step further by effectively utilizing this parameter, thereby further optimizing the volume of data returned to the feedback interface, by narrowing down to what is actually used in S-360. Currently, by setting the custom parameter additionalDiffParameters=lightPayload=true, only relevant data to S-360 will be returned to the feedback interface improving performances of both systems.

Mobile logs

New mobile logs search

We've made significant enhancements to the search functionality on the Mobile Logs screen:

  • Updated Search Mechanism: Back-office will now display re
  • Refined Search Parameters:
    • Introduction of a 'Spectator email' search field, first implemented in the Tickets search in the previous sprint.
    • Addition of 'Actions' to enable selection of specific mobile log actions.
    • Conversion of 'Log level' into a dropdown menu for ease of use.
    • Adoption of an 'EXACT Match' method for 'Spectator email', 'Action', 'Log level', and 'Platform', thereby improving the accuracy and relevance of search outcomes.

Previously, the grid did not prioritize information, displaying redundant or uncessary data, consequently, grid has been revamped

Layout of the grid columns has been reorganized to offer enhanced readability and relevance following a "journalistic" approach:

  • 'Who' is represented by the spectator
  • 'What' encompasses action, message, and log level
  • 'Where' is denoted by platform, app version, and device
  • 'When' is indicated by system and mobile dates.

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Automatic deletion of past mobile logs

From the beginning of TIXNGO, we have consistently maintained mobile logs. As of this winter, the total has soared to 65 million logs, across all organizers.

In an effort to enhance system performance and overall stability, without compromising the business and informational value of these mobile logs, we will now retain them for a "sliding" period of 13 months before they are permanently deleted.


If you want to preserve mobile logs for a period extending beyond the default 13 months, we strongly advise utilizing the 'Mobile logs' export feature and store the generated file into a Data-Privacy compliant space. 

January 16, 2024

Progressive roll-out of new Search & Export behaviour


In line with these improvements, we have also fine-tuned the "Language" dropdown. This update involves a change in the title to make it clearer and more intuitive for our organizers. The revised title aims to provide a better understanding and facilitate easier navigation in selecting the campaign language.

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December 13, 2023

Configure the available gender options from the Registration settings

In today's diverse world, inclusivity and respect for personal identity in data collection are not just ethical imperatives but essential components of effective and responsible practices.

We have now introduce the ability to select two new additional values (Other, Prefer not to say) that can be collected for Spectator's gender.

To do so, go the Registration settings and look for Available gender options (setting key: profile.display.gender.options) and select the additional options that suit your need and click Apply

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Crowdin translation keys

  • Other: gender_others_label
  • Prefer not to say: gender_prefer_not_to_say_label
