Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Why should organizer use it?

  • This feature allows wallet owners to set a holder name for a ticket on their wallet. This is an app-level feature, so when it is enabled, all tickets are available to assign.

How it works?

  • To enable/disable feature Assign holder Feature

  • If the organizer wants to request for assignment reason, enable the Assign Reason Feature to true.
  • If assignment reason is mandatory, set the feature Mandatory Assign Reason to true.
  • Text labels for assignment reasons are adjustable on Crowdin.
  • Note: for application feature, user needs to kill app and restart to make the feature available after any changes.
  • Exception: Main applicant case or when ticket reaches transfer-assign limit (Transfer level >= transfer-assign limit)

Disable assignment for non-transferable tickets:

  • Foin these case, make sure to turn the value allowTransferAfterBuetoothActivation to FALSE

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?

Button available on both ticket screen and floating action buttons