Ticket list by default is ordered by injection time, meaning newly injected tickets will be displayed first.
Search and filter
- Organizers can search by ticket ID, barcode, event ID, event name, file ID, tax number, spectator email, spectator name or filter by blockchain status, ac
- Understanding better about TnG ticket status terminology, check here.
Edit single ticket
- Under action column, you can edit the ticket details of a ticket by clicking the pencil icon
- Only main, extra, hidden details are available for editing
- Organizer can decide to send a push notification about the change to spectator
Delete single ticket
- Under action column, you can delete a ticket by clicking the delete icon.
- Delete reason is required for any delete action on TnG
- Organizer can also choose to either show the deleted ticket on spectator’s app or not
Export data
- You can export the all ticket information (Export button) or only ticket details (Export ticket details button) by clicking the corresponding buttons.