Sprints | Teams | Modules | Product features |
S6 (F) | TnG | AT | New AdminTool 2.0 - What are we solving for?
- Major improvements of the UI/UX and the Flutter-base technical foundation of the brand new TIXnGO AdminTool 2.0 back office console.
- The new AdminTool 2.0 has no regression compared to the legacy
- Manual

S6 (F) | TnG | BE | Multi-tenancy for spectator identity management https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-979 [Multi-Tenancy] For each App ID, I have a different Authentification Service (Cognito). - What are we solving for?
- Split every App ID in different Cognito pools.
- One single spectator identity per App ID, and no longer one TIXnGO spectator identity cross all App IDs.
S6 (F) | TnG | Mob | Ticket assignment mandatory/optional fields https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-574 As a TIXnGO Console User, I can define those fields as being either mandatory or optional. - AdminTool / Settings / Application Features / Ticket Holder Personal Information Mandatory parameter to allow organizer to define if all the additional assignment fields (Date of birth, Email, Phone number and Address) are mandatory YES/NO, if no they are optional.
- The First and Last names always remain mandatory.
S6 (F) | TnG | Mob | |
S6 (F) | TnG | BE | Push notification in batches https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-892 As a TnG operator I want push notifications to be send in batches with the delay - New organizer setting keys:
- Push notification campaign batch size: key push.notification.campaign.batch_size
- Interval (in minutes) between split notification campaign schedules: key push.notification.campaign.delay
- TnG organizer triggers a notification for all spectators of the match (or any other criteria) and notifications are sent in batches with a delay
- Batch size (in the number of spectators) and delay time (in minutes) are configurable (without new deployment) - on the notification campaign page
- Default values (pre-filled):
- Batch size - 15000 spectators
- Delay - 10 mins
S5 | TnG | Mob | Screenshot and screen recording protection https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-2 Screenshot and screen recording protection. |
S5 | TnG | Mob | Mobile sync-app-build-versions-env display https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-43 Mobile app: display last synchronization time in the app + As a wallet user, I can see in the menu the TIXnGO app/built versions/environment, Phone model and OS version. - The following information are added at the bottom of the menu:
- Prod
- App version: x
- Last synchronization time: x
- Phone model: x
- OS version: x
- All other environments
- App version: x
- Env: x
- Refresh: x
- Offline activation duration: x
- Last synchronization time: x
- Phone model: x
- OS version: x
S5 | TnG | BO | Match day overview per event https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-375 [FIFASTX-2749] TIXnGo backoffice: As an organizer I want to see match day overview per event |
S5 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Colored area around the QR-Code https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-940 As a ticket holder, in case colored bars are displayed on the ticket, the area around the QR-Code is colored the same way than the bars. - As a ticket holder, in case color bars are displayed on the ticket, the area around the QR-Code is colored the same way than the bars.
- If no color bars, the area around the QR-Code remains white.
- New hidden key: "specialColor"
- Cover the change of colored bars (Top bar) using the new key.

S5 | TnG | BE | |
S4 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Seating details in the ticket main section https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-464 As a mobile app user I want to see seating details in the main section in different UI than other information. |
S4 | TnG | Mob | |
S4 | TnG | Mob | Simplify the validator phone on the backend https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-738 Simplify the validator phone on the backend |
S4 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – List of the deleted tickets https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-259 As an SDK app user, I can see list of the deleted tickets - There is a dedicated section in the mobile app burger menu, called "deleted tickets", which will list all deleted and cancelled tickets. S
- The layout of the deleted/cancelled tickets will be implemented in https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-470 [Design][Phase 1] As a wallet user, I'd like to see the same ticket layouts in my wallet
S4 | TnG | Mob | Force Upgrade feature https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-316 SDK Force Upgrade feature - Base on the setting on AdminTool:
- The Force Update feature work properly, per app id not per environment:
- Must upgrade (below the min version) - should not give access
- Can upgrade (above the min version, but below the max version) → Display a popup to have the user tapped on the link to manually upgrade their app in the App store/Google store. (add a link of a guideline on how to update this/an app)
- Up to date (above max version) → Not display popup
  - FYI – an improved popup is being validated (TIX2-777) and will be deployed in the next release:
S4 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Fade out old tickets (past ticket/event) https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-334 SDK Fade out old tickets (past ticket/event) - New button at the bottom of the list to display past matches (hidden by default)
- If there are no past matches, the button is hidden
- If there are past matches and no future matches, a special message and image is displayed (customizable in the app, cannot be changed dynamically)
- “Past matches” is determined as follows (to mitigate the risk of “wrong” past matches)
- Matches whose date (day) is in the past and kick-off time is at least 12 hours in the past, based on the local time of the phone
- E.g. match at 01.07.2020 21:00 will be “past” when the phone time is on or after 02.07.2020 09:00
- E.g. match on 01.07.2020 10:00 will be “past” when the phone time is on or after 02.07.2020 00:00 (midnight)
- Past matches in the list of matches are in the list with a Past Match banner and the ticket is shown with 50% white overlay
- Past matches in the list of tickets are shown with a Past Match banner on the ticket and the ticket is shown with a 50% white overlay.
S4 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Same ticket layouts in my wallet https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-470 [Design][Phase 1] As a wallet user, I'd like to see the same ticket layouts in my wallet - As a wallet user, I'd like to see the same ticket layout across my wallet.
- Covering all possible tickets in a wallet with a new design - transferred/deleted/pending/past
- Ticket layouts in a wallet that are not displayed in My tickets section have data like: status, ticket.image, event.name, event.site, event.Starttime, ticketDetails.main, purchaseDetails.price.
- Ticket layout has 50% opacity to indicate that tickets are not active except the one - ticket received.
- Also in Pending transfers and Pending Ticket Resale&Purchase the button has styling of primary buttons per new design.
- Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/g657DKNttffvtSSmzJUrtK/%5BPhase-1%5D-Redesign?node-id=2068%3A61761
S4 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Non-transferrable or non-resalable tickets https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-201 [Design][Phase 1] As a wallet user, I’d like to see when a ticket is non-transferrable and non-resalable. - For end-users, all possible actions are accessible from the ticket level (FAB, separate sections) so if they're not - they are hidden.
- In terms of the not possible transfer due to ticket category, some organizer's policy after activation - user needs to be aware.
- When a ticket is non-transferable or not-resalable or transfer and resale actions become inactive after ticket activation, the status is displayed. It has also info icon, when you tap - a notification is displayed.
- Rules for controlled tickets:
- If a ticket is controlled and have the rule AllowTransferAfterCrontrol = false, then the transfer button will not be displayed on the ticket.
- Ticket cannot be put on resale
- Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/g657DKNttffvtSSmzJUrtK/%5BPhase-1%5D-Redesign?node-id=1181%3A38264
S4 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Controlled ticket https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-469 [Design][Phase 1] As a wallet user, I can see that my ticket was controlled. |
S3 | TnG | Mob | Design Phase 1 (i.e. ticket layout) – Ticket Price https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-420 [Design][Phase 1] As a ticket holder I'd like to see the price of my ticket. |
S3 | TnG | Mob | SDK – Return transferred ticket https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-262 As a SDK app user, I can return transferred ticket - As mobile app user (recipient) who has received transferred ticket and accepted transfer I want to have button in order to return the ticket in one click

S3 | TnG | Mob | SDK – Push notifications https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-149 As a SDK app user, I can have push notifications. |
S3 | TnG | Mob | SDK – Transfer reminder https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-318 SDK – Transfer reminder If the feature is enabled, display a dialog message on the mobile application that appears at the given frequency Otherwise, nothing happens. 
S3 | TnG | Mob | SDK – Max active sessions https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-320 SDK – Max active sessions As a mobile user I want to block my account when reaching the max session login. As a ticket holder, I can log in TIXnGO wallet on a new mobile device, but the wallet on previous wallet will be automatically logout. As an organizer, I want to enforce logout on active apps if login with a new device was detected.    
S3 | TnG | Mob | SDK – Legal document https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-344 SDK – Flexibility to add more check-box & legal documents on my profile https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-328 SDK – Download of a Mobile Ticket is subject to Ticket holder to accept/ confirm General Terms and Conditions ("GTC"), Ticket Sales Regulations ("TSR") (if applicable for guests) and Stadium Code of Conduct ("SCC") as set by the organizer. https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-173 As a wallet user, I have the legal doc hyperlinks text and URL in the language of my app. |
S2 | TnG | Mob | SDK – Ticket Resale on SecuTix Ticket Shop https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-158 As a SDK app user, I can have the Ticket Resale on SecuTix Ticket Shop feature on my app. |
S2 | TnG | Mob | Mobile account deletion https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-18 As a wallet owner of one TIXnGO native/branded app, I can decide and request to permanently delete the accounts of all my TIXnGO secure mobile ticket wallets along with all my personal data and my mobile tickets. - Account deletion on Apple Store JUN30 2022 https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#5.1.1
- Account deletion UI
Scenario 1 - no active, nor future mobile tickets - After the “Account deletion UI” flow described in the previous images, if no active, nor future mobile tickets are associated with the email address:
- TIXnGO b
- The spectator is anonymized in TIXnGO database.
- The email associated to the ticket becomes garbage.
- The status of the ticket on the blockchain doesn’t change.
- The wallet owner receives an email confirming the account deletion.
- The AdminTool operator doesn’t found anymore the spectator email address, but still finds any Ticket ID associated with a garbage email address.
- No changes on ticketing system.
- After some time, if the spectator changes his/her mind, he/she can create again an account with the exact same email address, or in case of SSO, relog again as it would be the first time.
Scenario 2 - active, and/or future mobile tickets - After the “Account deletion UI” flow described in the previous images, if active, and/or future mobile tickets are associated with the email address:
- The wallet owner receives an email listing all active and/or future mobile tickets and asking to confirm the account deletion, by clicking/taping on a confirmation link valid for 24 hours.
- If the link is clicked/taped after 24 hours, the spectator lands on a page mentioning “this links has expired”.
- If the link is clicked/taped in the first 24 hours:
- TIXnGO backend anonymizes
- The spectator is anonymized in TIXnGO database.
- The email associated to the ticket becomes garbage.
- The status of the ticket on the blockchain doesn’t change.
- The wallet owner receives an em
- The AdminTool operator doesn’t found anymore the spectator email address, but still finds any Ticket ID associated with a garbage email address.
- No changes on ticketing system.
- After some time, if the spectator changes his/her mind, he/she can create again an account with the exact same email address, or in case of SSO, relog again as it would be the first time. A reprint will be needed to reinjected mobile tickets.
Recommendation for organizer operational teams - If a ticket holder complains of not having ticket in his/her wallet:
- Check on the AdminTool, if any Ticket ID associated with a garbage email address.
- If it’s the case execute a reprint to reinjected the mobile tickets.
- NotesTechnical notes
- Anonymization is enough, TIXnGO do not need to delete data in the blockchain.
- Anonymization happens automatically in the backend.
- Anonymization includes at least
- Spectator details
- Transfer pending
- Logs
- Questionnaire answers
- TIXnGO cancel all pending tickets on his/her behalf.
- TIXnGO cancel all pending tickets pending on his/her side (c.f. P2P Ticket Resale and 2ND MKTP).
- The recipient of a transferred ticket is not allowed to return a transferred ticket to the previous owner. An error message: "This ticket cannot be return, since the spectator no longer exists.
S1 | TnG | Mob | Max session login block account https://projectportal.elca.ch/jira/browse/TIXNGO-4772 (TnG UEFA) As a mobile user, I want to block my account when reaching the max session login. |
S1 | TnG | BO | Download status https://projectportal.elca.ch/jira/browse/TIXNGO-4633 INJECTED status overwritten while ticket is not yet downloaded - Old behavior
New behavior - Tested OK
- Case 1: Injected => Downloaded => Online activated. (the app is installed before inject the ticket).
- Case 2: Online activated => Injected => Downloaded. (the app is installed before inject the ticket - Activation time < now).
- Case 3: Injected => Online activated => Install app => Downloaded. (the app is installed AFTER inject the ticket).
- Case 4: Injected => Online activated => Downloaded. (the app installed before inject the ticket).
S1 | TnG | Mob | Mobiles logs: when app is opened https://projectportal.elca.ch/jira/browse/TIXNGO-4752 As an AdminTool user, I would like to know when user open the app and see online activation. - When user open the app, ONLINE_ACTIVATED log must contain "Mobile date time“, to know that this user open the app when ONLINE_ACTIVATED happen.
S1 | TnG | Mob | Ticket Cancellation Reason push notification https://jira.secutix.com/browse/TIX2-3 As an organizer, I can set in the AdminTool in a generic field, a specific push notification message for a specific Ticket Cancellation Reason (e.g. resale deleted ticket). |