Allow ticket printing before seating : in the case of post seating, you can choose to still
Internet description URL : link to an external page that will appear behind the More Information link. This link is displayed after the Public description on the ticketshop. It aims at directing people to a page where you would usually present the product or the competition. To be used with care as it takes users out of the funnel.
Tariff at which tickets belonging to a season ticket are resold on resale platform : when using SecuTix resale platform, you can set that the resale of any tickets coming from the season ticket related to this competition will be resold at a particular tarif. The benefit there is usually to make sure that anyone coming on the resale platform can purchase any tickets available. And not have a scenario where a ticket coming from a child season ticket can only be purchased by a child. The reseller will only be refunded of the amount of his ticket within his season ticket, and the delta between this price and the price paid by the purchaser will be kept by you. Countermark accepted : lors de l'achat d'un billet sans avoir choisi l'événement, ou on a choisi la séance exacte mais sans avoir choisi la place. emission d'une contremarqueThis field will be active with a tariff dropdown only if you set the parameter Tarrif modified for subscriptions on yes in the Organisation | Initialisation | Sales Channels | Points of sales | Internet parameter where the point of sales is the one used for your re.
Countermark accepted : the feature related to this field is not active anymore.
Ticket producer : this field tells SecuTix whether or not a ticket has already been produced. If set on YES, then SecuTix will NOT generate any ticket at the moment of the sale. The use case is when you handle event for third parties, and you have been given directly (thermal) tickets from this 3rd party. You can still set these events in SecuTix and sell them from SecuTix to keep track and be able to report, but the ticket itself will not be a ticket generated from SecuTix. You will have to handle/send the tickets you received out of SecuTix.