Sales Channels are created at the Institution level.
Product Profile => displayed for information. Configuration done in Catalog - Product Profile. The product profil help to define on which sale channel I sale which all the product except event and matchs and at which price.
Clusters => for the landing page customisation (URL/content), you need to create clusters. A cluster is an aggregation of products/performance displayed in the same Section with the purpose to be displayed together online to present products. The standard practice is to create clusters that strictly corresponds to Sections. Once created, you need to RUN the cluster to be able to find it the Sections. More information here.
Require confirmation email: If checked, a customer using a guest login (if it is activated) will need to provide two times his email address (to avoid errors in typing).
Maximum Payment : leave empty if you don't want to set a maximum amount of online purchase. If you set a cap, the customer will not be