Your catalog (pricing) data have been migrated to the new pricing model. Therefore, you can directly start working with this new feature. The old pricing model isn't available anymore (for the events). Depending on your pricing strategy, the number of rates table may increase for the following reasons:
- The price sub-grids are now handled as independent price grids. They will appear as such in the list of rates tables. The name of the rates table matches exactly the name of the price sub-grid.
- A new price grid is crea
- The name of the rates table containing the non modified prices
- The code of the event
- The date and time of the performance
- By this way, it is possible to find the performance (with modified price) for which this dedicated rates table is used, simply from its name.
- The list of rates table screen allows to filter out these dedicated rates table in order to display only "regular" rates table.
- If you have modified the price of multiple performances in the same way (example: reduce price for child tariff each Wednesday, without defining a separate rate type), a rate table will be created for each performance. You can (but don't have to) link all concerned performances to the same rate table and ignore the other ones.
More to come (next SecuTix releases)