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Get access to ticket barcodes straightaway on the screen on your mobile device or in the confirmation email. No need to connect anymore on the online account to print the tickets in order to see the barcode and be able to present it at the entrance. The system will show the barcode right after the purchase has been done making the user experience on site fast and delighful.


RECOMMENDED - Description in more details about what the feature is. Keep it more operator-oriented, not overly "marketing".

Once the feature is active your users will be able to see the barcode of the tickets they have purchased directly in the order details screen online right after the payment has been accepted and also in the confirmation email. This make it much easier for them to go through the access control simply by showing their screen with the barcode or showing the barcode from the confirmation email.

The barcode is immediately accessible on the screen for your customer after a successful payment. There is no need to download the ticket anymore making the customer experience on site simple and straightforward.

The barcode will be also displayed in the body of the confirmation email received by your customers. Knowing that many visitors are searching for their tickets in their mailbox this make this access to the ticket much easier.

Additionnaly to the barcode the confirmation email will also contain the key information like the tariff and the seat number. 

You can find some exampl

titleImportant information

Explain how the mandatory ticket holder infos is managed.

Explain the max number of tickets that will be printed with the feature and what happens when there is more ticket than the limit.

Coverage in term of product families

Getting started

Set the new POS param.

That's it, barcodes will be now printed stragthaway at the end of the sales process and will be displayed in the confirmation email.

New pos param, apply for all internet sale channels except B2P.

If new pos param is 1D/QR and shipment mode of the order is E-ticket:

  • Once order is closed, before creating documents, call function print all E-tickets of the order (call function mass-printing ?)
  • Result: the tickets are printed automatically, similar as when internet user already printed the ticket.


OPTIONAL - Show some example use in actual customer use cases, or other relevant information.

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1D barcodes and seat information for visit passes and events

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1D barcodes for a fixed price season ticket

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1D barcode for a championship season ticket

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1D barcode for a calculated season ticket

2D barcode with seat and teams informations for a game ticket

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2D barcodes for a season ticket on mobile.

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1D barcode for a championship season ticket