A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes : T_CONTINGENT_ID, T_ITEM_ID, T_TIMESLOT_ID, T_VISITGROUP_ID. The attributes T_TIMESLOT_ID, T_VISITGROUP_ID can be null.
In case of a performance or a match, T_ITEM_ID can be replaced by the couple (T_PERFORMANCE_ID, T_SEAT_CAT_ID)
This domain contains the seats availability in a given room and corresponds to the table Dview D_AVL_ROOM_AVL_V1_0 in which:
1 record = For a given performance or match, the number of seats of a given category located in a given area and block, assigned to a given contingent with the information related to:
- The given performance or match
- Location: area, block, sector, level, access
- Contingent
- Quota
- Availability
- Number of seats sold, booked, invalidated, blocked
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