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Field name


Batch Size

Number of payments "refund in Progress" which will be reimbursed by the batch.

Cancellation date from

The Date of departure from whic

Cancellation date to

The end Date up to which the "refund in Progress" created must be taken into account.

Sales Channel

The sales chain is important here because it provides the payment Service Provider which will be used for the refund on credit balance.

Point of Sales

The point of sale to be used for the creation of the payment and identifying the physical item to which the payment will be attached.

Put money in credit note

This check box is used to check whether the money can be refunded on balance to have if the credit card refund is not possible. For example: if the order of sale has been paid in cash or by waiting account, check this box will put the money on the balance to have the payer contactdecode on how the refund will be processed:

  • Never: the batch will keep refunds in progress in case a refund to the credit card is not possible or fails
  • When refund to credit card is not possible: the batch will credit the customer account only if a credit card refund is not possible or has failed
  • Always (new): the batch will always put the money on the customer credit account - this is to option to check in order to avoid any refunds and keep the money by default as credit, if you need to preserve your cashflow.

When put on a credit account, it is the original payer contact who will be credit the corresponding amount.

Credit note payment method to use

This function tells the batch which credit note payment method to use when transferring money to the balance of credit account. If no value is selected, the batch will use the first payment method of the credit note type of the point of sale on which the refund is to be made.

Run batch in simulation mode

This mode allows to make a simulation of refunds, without the batch actually executing them, and therefore without making the actual refunds. This allows the batch to be validated before making the actual refunds.

Document template for e-mail notification

This field allows you to select the document template that will be used in sending the notification email in case of a successful refund.

File ID

This field allows you to enter File numbers, separated by commas. If such numbers are provided, only the payments of these files will be refunded.


titleNeed to preserve your cashflow?

The automatic refund process will always attempt to refund the money to the credit card originally used for payment (if any). If you want to keep the money on the credit note account of the use, see at the end of this page for instructions, then don't forget to use the option "Always" for the parameter "Put on credit note". This new option, available since Allalin V1.14, helps you ensure that no refunds will be made to credit cards directly.

Please also double check that the dispatch batch is not schedule to run automatically with a different value than "Always" for "Put on credit note", as a safety net to avoid unexpected refunds.


Do you use the SecuTix 360 resale platform? The following procedure can process in the same way a refund to your customers who resold their tickets!


  1. Verification of the amounts to be refunded: Before performing the actual refund, an operator must perform the batch refund in simulation mode by choosing the date range of refunds to be considered, such as last week or last month. The simulation mode produces an execution log detailing the refunds to be made and the number and total amount of refunds. This information enables the operator to validate the amounts before making the actual refund.
  2. Processing credit card refunds: Once the refunds are validated, the operator can run another with the same set of parameters as above (in particular, the range of dates). Just deactivate the simulation mode and choose not to credit the cases of errors to the credit account. At this stage, refunds that can be processed by credit card are sent to the payment service provider. The execution log identifies successful and failed payments. When payment is made, you can send an e-mail to the customer to confirm that a refund has been made to his/her credit card.

    Should transaction fail, you can either attempt the refund again later by repeating this same step or go to the next step to transfer the remaining refunds to the credit account.


    Refund is transaction based : it is the original purchase order that will be refunded.
    If holder's card has expired after the purchase and before the refund, there will be no problem to refund him.
    However, if the card has been cancelled (stolen, lost...) the refund could not be done : system will follow then the rules setup in the batch either to log an error or to refund on credit note. (see : below)

  3. Credit in the credit account of outstanding refunds: Lastly, the operator can run another once again with the same parameters, but by activating this time credit to the customer. As with the previous step, you can send an e-mail to the customer notifying that the refund is available on its credit balance.

What if you do not want the refund to go to the Credit Card used originally for payments? (e.g. to preserve your cashflow)

The automatic dispatch always attempts a refund on the credit card, if a credit was used initially.

If you prefer to refund systematically to the credit note account, it is possible to change the payment method from the List of Payment in the File Details screen, from "Refund in progress" to any payment method, e.g., "Customer credit account". After the change, the file will no longer be considered in the automated process described above.


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