How will this work for Guest checkout?
No verification mail is sent to Guests. The email will be stored as "unverified" in the contacts base and cannot be used to log in the Ticketshop
How will this work for quick checkout / on-sale processes?
The verification mail will send at first login from the customer. No verification is required at the time of the checkout / on sale process
- When a user has both a B2C (final customer) and a B2B (relay) account with the same email address, will the validation be valid for all accounts?
- No. Validation is per account, not per email address. This means that each account will need a separate validation
- On sales channels requiring opt-in validation will the end user receive one or two validation emails?
- The end user will receive two separate mails as these are two separate and independent processes
- When creating an emergency account in TIXNGO that will be injected back in S360, will the account be already validated?
- Yes. A TIXNGO imported account will be considered as
- What happens if a new customer was in a Peak Protect queue before entering the ticketshop and is being asked to create a contact and validate the email? Will the email validation take the customer back to the ticketshop?
- When a contact is already in the queue and has access to the ticketshop, the queue result is stored in the browser’s cookies. This means that if you open a new tab or reload the page, your queue number and status are retained, so you don’t have to queue again
- However, if the cookie is timeout or you close the browser or switch to a different browser, the queue information will be reset.
External Identity Provider (Customer SSO)