Versions Compared


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In this evolution, we bring several improvements and features to the external price components and price breakdowns.  

Link to existing price component

When creating a new external price component, you are now able to define it as a percenatge of the catalog price or an existing external price component.


Please note that for simplicity you cannot link an external price component to another that already has a parent price component. (for example, given three external price components A,B and C, if B→C then A → B → C is not permitted)

TO DO: add the rate table breakdown amounts explication

Validity dates for rates tables price breakdowns

This bea functionality allows to to specify validity dates for your price breakdowns, to automatically handle tax rate changes for external price components for example. When creating a new price breakdown for a rate table, you can selparent price breakdown. If you do, the current price breakdown will be a child price breakdown, and you will have to select a validity start date for the current price breakdown, and optionaly the end of validity date. 

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Please note that the child price breakdown validity must not overlapp overlap with other validity ranges in the parent price breakdown.


Add new RTB 3



In the rate table screen, you will see the price breakdowns and their respective childrens greyed. The current valid breakdown has a green flag next to its name.

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PLEASE NOTE that reservations are not fully supported yet. If a reservation is made when price breakdown 1 is valid, and paid wehn price breakdown 2 is valid, the customer will pay the amout in price breakdown 1.

Additional support of reservation will be provided in a further release.