Field code | Field type | Man | Description | |||||||
INSTITUTION | Text 15 | Yes | Institution code owning the data to be imported. | |||||||
ORGANIZATION | Text 15 | Yes | Organization code owning the data to be imported. By default, the organization code is the same as the institution code. | |||||||
ORDER_NR | Number | Yes | Order number. | |||||||
ORDER_DATE | Date | Yes | Order date. | |||||||
OPOPERATION_TYPE | Text 50Enum | Yes | Operation type. Allowed values: SALE or RESERVATION , SALE. | |||||||
REMARK | Text | No | Order remark. | SEASON_CODE | Text15 | Yes | SERVICE_CODE | Text15 | Yes | Code of service product. |
BUYING_CONTACT_NR | Number | No | Buying contact number. If it is empty, the sale is anonymous. | |||||||
ORIGIN_COUNTRY | Text 50 | No | Country of buying contact (only if Buying contact is not specified). | |||||||
ORIGIN_REGION | Text 50 | No | Region of buying contact (only if Buying contact is not specified). | |||||||
ORIGIN_ZIPCODE | Text 50 | No | Zip code of buying contact (only if Buying contact is not specified). | |||||||
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NR | Number | No | Cultural contact number. If left empty and first/last name are empty, the buying contact number is used. | |||||||
FIRST_NAME | Text 50 | No | First name of cultural contactBeneficiary first name (only if Cultural contact number is not specified). | |||||||
LAST_NAME | Text 50 | Last name of cultural contact. | TARIF_CODE | Text 15 | Tarif code of orderNo | Beneficiary last name (only if Cultural contact number is not specified). | ||||
SEASON | Code | Yes | Season code of service product. | |||||||
SERVICE_CODE | Code | Yes | Product code of service. | |||||||
ITEM_CODE | Code | Yes | Item code of service. | |||||||
TARIFF | Code | Yes | Tarif code. | |||||||
PRICE | Amount | Yes | Price of the service * 100. | |||||||
CHARGE | Amount | Yes | Charge of service * 100. | |||||||
VAT | Number | VAT in percentPercentage | Yes | Vat rate in percent * 100 (so that 1% = 100). Choose the rate that active and valid following this: Valid from date of vat rate <= ORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate. | ||||||
PAYMENT_DATE | Date Payment date is null when operation type = 'SALE' and price = 0 or operation type = 'RESERVATION' | Yes if SALE | Mandatory when the operation type is SALE and price is not 0. Default value: Order date. | |||||||
TICKET_STATE | Text 50Enum | Yes if SALE | Ticket state in (' The state of ticket. Mandatory when the operation type is SALE. Allowed values: NOT_PRINTED ', 'PRINTED ','or CONTROLLED '). | |||||||
GENERATION_DATE | Timestamp | Yes if PRINTED or CONTROLLED | Generation date is null when ticket state = 'NOT_PRINTED'. Mandatory if the ticket has been printed or controlled. Default value: Order date. | |||||||
BARCODE | Text 50 | Yes if PRINTED or CONTROLLED | Bar code of the ticket. (Mandatory if the ticket has been printed or controlled. Not yet used). Default now is 'IMP-' + ticket id. | |||||||
FISCALTAX_NRNUMBER | Text 50The fiscal | Yes if PRINTED or CONTROLLED | The tax number of the ticket. Mandatory if the ticket .(has been printed or controlled. Not yet used). Default now is 'IMP-' + ticket id. | |||||||
SHIPMENT_DATE | Date | Yes | Shipment date . If not input: Shipment date =of the service. Default value: Order date. | |||||||
SHIPMENT_MODE | Text 50 | Shipment date is null when ticket state = 'NOT_PRINTED'. | ITEM_CODE | Text15 | Yes | Item code of Service | Code | Yes if PRINTED or CONTROLLED | Shipment mode of the service. Allowed values: TBD. Mandatory if the ticket has been printed or controlled. |